Hey hey hey,

In case we haven't met, let me introduce myself so we can get better acquainted. As you may know I'm the CEO and Founder of Holistic Fashionista-- so if you're new to my website and what we do, don't worry I'll bring you up to speed. Firstly, I want you to know that I'm probably a lot like you: I work my ass off, over-deliver, and have positive intentions behind everything I do. 

You and I both know that running a business is hard work-- not just rigorous to-do lists and multi-tasking 'til the wee hours, but also hard on the heart at times. As women in business, we react a little differently than men, especially when faced with a roadblock on our way to success. Do you feel me?

That is why every week I write a personal diary entry to share not only what goes on behind-the-scenes here at Holistic Fashionista, but what happens to me personally as I deal with the growing pains of success. My hope is that it will inspire you in some way to hold your head high even on your darkest day-- I have your back girlfriend!

If you're interested in hearing from me each week, I'd love for you to subscribe to my dairy. You can unsubscribe anytime (it's okay, I won't be offended). Feel free to read a few of my past diaries below to get a feel of my writing and communication style.

I realize I'm NOT for everyone, and that's okay, but if you're struggling and need a boost-- this might be just what the naturopath ordered.



  • Marketing Yourself Online Without Sounding Desperate

  • How Day-to-Day Activities Provide Business Inspiration

  • Why I Think Having a Luxury Brand is TheBombDotCom

  • How to Think for Yourself and Forget About What Everyone Else is Doing

  • Team-Building and Leadership Secrets for Any Size Business

  • The Dark Side of Success and How to Move Through the Growth Spurts

  • The Coaching Industry Curse (breaking the reigns that bind you!)

  • And so much more!


Angel's Diary is a private newsletter sharing honest insights, personal opinions, and psychological theories about business.


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