Featured Interview: Dianna Esteves Vieira

Eco Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist

Photography by: Nancy Schoenmakers

Photography by: Nancy Schoenmakers

Why were you drawn to eco-friendly makeup?

Several years ago, I was battling some heath issues, and decided to completely change my lifestyle. I switched to a Macrobiotic diet and upon my research, I stumbled across many articles stating disturbing claims regarding toxic chemicals used in various personal items and cosmetics as well. I immediately tossed out my various high end makeup products in my kit, and never looked back :)

How did you get started in the industry?

I actually started out as an Esthetician, trained in Toronto at the prestigious Edith Serei School of Advanced Esthetics. I had a passion for skin care, however with the minimal makeup training received in the course, I realized I had a bigger passion for everything pertaining to makeup application. . I honed my skills over the years, becoming virtually self taught.

Can you tell us about your business? Are you freelance or how does it work?

Yes I do freelance. Everything from working at several events, shoots with different photographers, fashion films, indie film projects etc. and I have an awesome relationship with Photogenics Media, I mainly work with their models. Along with freelancing I am the resident makeup artist at Nitespa. My business is comprised of using non-toxic and cruelty free products. I educate women and pre-teens on the utter importance of using clean ingredients on the skin. I m a huge advocate for animal and human justice and welfare. I volunteer for a couple of different organizations, and began my own mission called Project SoulFarm. I teamed up with celebrity photographer Dan Santoni to educate many on the ills of factory farming. We choose celebrities who refrain from eating meat and who have a big heart for the plight of these amazing creatures without a voice.

Photography by: Nancy Schoenmakers

Photography by: Nancy Schoenmakers

What piece of advice would you give an entrepreneur who is looking to start in the beauty industry?

I'm still figuring it all out myself! Be informed, be genuine and kind! Much needed when dealing with others in the fashion and entertainment industries :)

What is the most important thing to you about green products?

That they are ethical. Nothing matters more to me. My company motto is "If we could choose non-toxic & cruelty free beauty without hurting others...why wouldn't we"? There is no other option, nothing else makes sense to me.

What are your go-to makeup or beauty products?

Vapor Organics Stratus Soft Focus Instant Skin Perfector, Satin Matte Foundation by Alima Pure, Realist Invisible Setting Powder by W3ll People, , A Fine Romance Multi-use Stick by Ilia Beauty, Purely Simple Face Cream by Osmia Organics, coconut oil, Clairisonic Mia Cleansing Tool..

What is your #1 beauty tip?

Just one? Lots of alkaline water!

Learn more about Dianna at www.DiannaEstevesVieira.com

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Ditch the Clutter & Dress for Success

Ditch the Clutter & Dress for Success

Ditch the Clutter & Dress for Success


Article by Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27

Without clothes or even a smile, we embark on our journey. Yet most of us in the Western world end it with an vast collection of stuff, most of which utterly unnecessary for day-to day survival. It’s incredible considering we start out needing so little beyond food and someone looking out for us. But the needs arise. Diapers. Pajamas. Blanket. Crib. More diapers. Something in which to store the pajamas, the blanket too. Soon we begin smiling… now there’s the need for toys. And more toys. Special toys to comfort us when we cry or to help us fall asleep. Suddenly there are so many toys we need shelves and boxes in which to keep them.

From nothing to a room of stuff, it happens so quickly.

Then we discover how certain objects make us feel and, in turn, “fill” our hearts. A stuffed bear becomes a bff. The dress we wear makes us feel beautiful, special and all grown up. The simplest trinket given to us by a grandparent makes us feel loved and close to them. These things plant a seed; we need things to feel things.

Some of us are as able to acquire as to relinquish. Others become hoarders. Then there’s everyone in between. Wherever we are on the spectrum, there’s some value placed on the things we own AND the (in)ability to unravel the need to keep them around. With a little conscious thinking, we can all enjoy nice things yet not being enslaved by them or, with time, their history. “The things you own end of owning you.” Remember that from Fight Club?  We don’t want that. We want to enjoy our things like the treasures they are meant to be.

If you must keep that set of crystal goblets around - you know, the ones you inherited that sit unused in a box? - start using them, for Snoopy’s sake. ENJOY them! Are you not worth a couple sips of tap water from fine Waterford crystal? You are. Of course, if you really hate those goblets, sell them and use the money to get the kind of glasses you adore.

A jewelry box filled with your beloved Aunt Mabel’s brooches and clip on earrings. Not exactly your style but you’ve dragged it around since college because that great lady was something else. How ‘bout you once in a while take out a piece and wear it? Someone compliments you on it, there’s your chance to say, “Why thank you. It was my dear auntie’s…,” and to share a sweet memory. For a moment the great lady’s still alive and vibrant. That’s worth the price of a ton of cocktail rings and big brooches, isn’t it?


It’s not junior year and the 80s prom dress that’s still in your closet doesn’t look the same on you. Make peace with that and give yourself some credit for doing a lot of great living since high school. Now. Quick. Shepherd the dress out of your closet and into the give-away bag. There’s bound to be a niece who’d love it or a charity thrift store who’ll do good things from its sale. And there’s a better dress for that great dame you’ve become.

A box of letters from the one who got away might make you smile but if they don’t, why are they in your possession? Time to shred or burn them. Or maybe, before you do that, use them as inspiration for that short story, one person show, blog entry, song or poem. Emotional upcycling. It’s cleansing. 

  • Donate
  • Give away
  • Sell
  • Toss
  • Let someone who loves it more be its archivist and keeper

All are options. Tell that to the closets, homes, sheds and garages full of stuff. Give ‘em all you got:

I have loved this and I have [used, appreciated, loved, enjoyed] it but it’s now time to let someone else [use, appreciate, love, enjoy] it or [toss, shred, upcycle].

It’s just stuff and learning to detach from it isn’t saying that we can’t or didn’t love it but that we need more room to breath life into our future growth and passions.

“You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?” — Steven Wright


Vintage items have a soul and heart, and they are unique. We search high and low for them, mostly from the estates of some really neat people. So there's often a story about the item shared with you the buyer. We live with this stuff, it has meaning; otherwise it's just stuff. Shop now!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Hey Clean Eater! Are YOU Conscious About What You're Feeding Your Skin?


Article by Heather Jadus
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27

Are YOU Conscious About What You're Feeding Your Skin?

Are YOU Conscious About What You're Feeding Your Skin?

Skin is the body's largest organ and because it's porous, so anything you slather on it can get absorbed straight to your bloodstream! When you eat food, it gets digested and and then goes to the liver to be detoxified. When products penetrate your skin there is no detoxification.  

When it comes to living a healthy and natural lifestyle, what you put on your body is just as significant as what you put in your body.

Everyone wants clean skin products and some people even think they are using them but actually they are not. Unfortunately safe makeup, safe skin products and clean cosmetics brands are hard to find. The truth lies in the transparency so you need to do your homework!

Studies show that the skin can absorb an average of 64% of total contaminant dosage of any ingredient. This is why knowing your ingredients and reading your labels is key! Other studies found the face to be several times more permeable than broad body surfaces and an absorption rate of 100% for underarms. Lastly, another peer-reviewed study showed 100% absorption for fragrance ingredients. Ugh! That one really scares me!

It is easy to see that what we use on our skin ends up inside our bodies. So it is important to pay close attention to the ingredients in our skin care products. If the products you use contain harmful ingredients such as harsh, toxic chemicals, colors, and fragrances, those ingredients make their way into your body, your blood and lymphatic system. Every choice counts. Make some changes!

Here are a few tips on how to find the best clean skin products AND how to avoid the worst brands when it comes to safe and healthy ingredients:

1| Ingredients should be easily found. Many personal products list their ingredients on the box rather than on the bottle. Who keeps the boxes? But that's ok. A quick google on the internet should get you the information you need. HOWEVER, if you get to a product company website and ingredients are not listed this should raise a huge red flag. This has happened to me on a few products searches so I end up sending and email to ask if I am missing the ingredient lists somewhere on the site. Always the same answer... "If you want an ingredient list, please call to get it." This really disturbs me. Go no further. NEVER buy from this company again.


2| Perfume, Parfum - When either of these words are listed as an ingredient, it's considered a "trade secret" in the cosmetics industry. Therefore, the ingredinet that make up this word are not required to be exposed. There could be 1, 5, 100 or even 1,000 ingredients that HIDDEN within that one ingredient. This does not mean that you need to use only unscented products. It just means that the ingredients that makeup the fragrance should be listed separatly.

3| Natural, Organic, Hypo-Allergenic, etc. etc. - If a product is slapped with any of these "labels" don't think that your search has ended. There is no regulation on any of these labels so any product can put them on there and they mean nothing. This does not mean that any product with these labels are lying. It just means you cannot rely on this label. ALWAYS check the ingredient list.

4| DIY (Do It Yourself) - This is an option of course and pinterest is full of recipes for natural products where you can pick the ingredients yourself. This option is not for everyone but at least it's there!

When in doubt always ask questions! Comment below if you have any!

Be Informed. Be Safe. Be Healthy.


What’s hiding in your beauty products?

Learn how the mainstream beauty products you so innocently slather on your skin can be harming and damaging. This is a 30 to 60 minute online class on the fundamentals of how to screen your products and learn about the truth of the ingredients you have in your home.

This class is FREEE. Register for Toxic Beauty:101 now!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Dress for Success: Why You Should go Vintage!


Why You Should go Vintage!

Why You Should go Vintage!

Article by Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

Why buy vintage shoes? Well, there’s their originality, design aesthetic and those special details one just won’t find on most shoes today. Rhinestones. Kid leather. Filigree buckles. Leather soles. Hand-stitching. The shape of a heel. Goldfish in a lucite heel even!  And they can be a such value for the price. “They just don’t make them like they used to” holds true for so much vintage, the materials and craftsmanship often superior to many of today’s apparel and accessories.  So while a pair of couture slingback flats, even if caught on sale, may never be in your budget, a similar, well-crafted vintage version just fill the bill.  

And there are so many beautiful shoes online from which to choose once you know the #1 trick: compare measurements given in the listing to the measurements of a similar type shoe you own that fits well.

Measurements are generally provided on vintage shoes being sold online.  This means:

Your similar shoe’s measurement + Online vendor’s measurements = virtual fitting room!

So there’s an adorable pair of vintage slingback flats on Ebay (or Etsy, Rubylane, Bonanza, or maybe a independent vintage dealer’s website) they’re similar to those Manolo Blahniks slingback flats you adore that aren’t in your budget, so perfect maybe!

1| Get your similar kind of shoe out and tape measurer, and measure:

a. interior length, from heel to toe
b. across the ball of the foot. Interior is best for fit but if the listing shoes measurement being taken from bottom of shoe, get that too.
c. vamp, taken across the top from seam to seam. This is an important one as it tells you how much room available for your tootsie toes.

2| Now compare measurements between your similar shoe’s and those given in the listing.

3| Don’t use this measurement comparison technique with your foot but similar type shoes, i.e. pump to pump, platform to platform, slipper to slipper, sandal to sandal. Don’t forget that a shoe like cowboy boot or stiletto has a longer, more exaggerated toe. Knowing where your toe ends comfortably in that type of shoe helps with a good fit.


Now what if you want a vintage shoe but don’t like the idea that another has possibly worn a pair of shoes before you? Consider a deadstock vintage shoe, a vintage shoe that never left the department store or manufacturer’s stock!  Yes, you, too, can add a little vintage flair to your wardrobe.  

Now get on good foot and take that discerning eye and this new bit of mindful shopping to the online stores - there are beautifully-made vintage shoes awaiting you!

“a good shoe is like a good wine. These shoes are going to stay and last a long time.” - Christian Louboutin


Vintage items have a soul and heart, and they are unique. We search high and low for them, mostly from the estates of some really neat people. So there's often a story about the item shared with you the buyer. We live with this stuff, it has meaning; otherwise it's just stuff. Shop now!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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5 Tinted Moisturizers with SPF: Which Should You Slather Up With?

5 Tinted Moisturizers with SPF

5 Tinted Moisturizers with SPF


Article by Heather Jadus
Photo Credit: Mariana Garcia
Magazine: Issue #25

It's that time of year again! School will be letting out, the sun will shine more and stronger than any other part of the year! It's time to slather up with sunscreen and hit the beach!

Last year around this time I wrote an article about sunscreen and the dangers it can have it you are applying brands that have harmful ingredients. Here's a link (SPF: What it Does and Does it Really Protect Me?) for reference.

Now we know that protecting your skin from the sun as well as the ingredients in your sunscreen are both VERY important I did a bit of research,  I chose tinted moisturizers with SPF from 5 self-proclaimed "healthy beauty" brands. I rated them for safety, tested them for performance and compared their cost.


This is the rating scale I used based on the amount of harmful ingredients in each product.

Here's what I found:

1| Juice Beauty - Tinted Moisturizer with 30 SPF (4 Shades)

Safety Rating - 1

Performance - This moisturizer worked well and I was able to match the colors well. What I did not like about it was that it was oil free. I am not a fan of oil free because it dries your skin out. This causes your body to overcompensate by creating more oils and breakouts occur. I did get a breakout after 7 days.

Cost - $29

2| Beautycounter - Dew Skin Moisturizing Coverage SPF 20 (5 shades)

Safety Rating - 1

Performance - This moisturizer is safe and light. I love the way it covers, lasts and makes it look like you have nothing on at all.

Cost - $42

3| Aveeno Positively Radiant 30 SPF

Safety Rating - 10 - I was SHOCKED at this rating!

Performance - This tinted moisturizer covered nicely but he scent was a bit strong. I found a bit of streak after some time in the sun.  

Cost - $14

4| Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer

Safety Rating - 9 - AGAIN... WOW!

Performance - This tinted moisturizer also had some nice coverage but a bit of a strong scent. I'm not sure why your skin moisturizer has to have "fragrance".... it ads so many unnecessary ingredients to your product.

Cost - $15

5| Physicians Formula

Safety Rating - 3

Performance - I found Physicians Formula to Cover Nicely but it didn't last on a hot day. 

Cost - $17

Bottom line... you get what you pay for. I find that the higher end, higher cost products last longer because you don't need as much.  

Tell me what you think! Do you use any of these brands or other? I can rate them for you!


How do you know if your beauty products are safe?  

There are absolutely no safety regulations on cosmetic ingredients.  Even companies who use words like "organic", "natural" and "pure" have no one but themselves checking to see if those claims are true.

If you are a clean eater and you are slathering toxic chemicals all over your body and hair, then you are doing it wrong. Click here to get my FREE LIST of Ingredients to AVOID!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Is Your Daily Beauty Regimen Hazardous to Your Health?

Attn: Entrepreneurs

Beauty Regimen Hazardous to Your Health?

Beauty Regimen Hazardous to Your Health?

Article by Heather Jadus
Photo Credit: Fabiola Zamora
Magazine: Issue #24

How many products do you put on your skin or hair in a day? Take a minute and count them.....

1. Toothpaste
2. Shampoo
3. Conditioner
4. Hair Product(s)
5. Hair Spray
6. Perfume
7. Face Wash
8. Body Wash
9. Soap
10. Deodorant
11. Toner
12. Moisturizer
13. Eye Cream
14. Wrinkle Cream
15. Foundation
16. Bronzer
17. Blush
18. Eye Shadow
19. Eye Liner
20. Eye Brow Pencil
21. Mascara
22. Body Lotion
23. Hair Color
24. Lip Stick
25. Lip Gloss
26. Hand Soap
27. Dish Soap
28. Others ?????

This list could be endless depending on the individual lifestyle you live.

But think about this:  Even if you only use 10 of these items listed but you use them once or twice a day, every day, week after week, month after month, decade after decade... don't you want to be sure that the ingredients in your products are safe for your body?

There could be only a minuscule amount of "toxins" in each of the 10 products you use but let's crunch T H E S E numbers:

  • 12 = the average number of products a woman puts on her skin every day.
  • 10,000 = the number of common ingredients used in those personal products.
  • 10 = the % of those 10,000 ingredients that have been tested for safety.
  • 1500 = the number of chemicals banned in the EU.
  • 11 = the number of chemicals banned in the US.
  • 1938 = the last year a federal law was passed in the US regulating cosmetics ingredients.

D O   Y O U   T H I N K   I T S   T I M E   T O   T A K E   N O T I C E  ?

So, why is this a problem? What are the possible hazards?

Problem # 1 - Carcinogens.  Known and suspected carcinogens are allowed in our personal products with no questions asked and no testing done. Carcinogenic chemicals can cause or promote cancer.  Cancer is caused by the changes in DNA.  Some of these changes can be caused by genetics and the rest are caused by environmental chemicals in our air, personal products and cleaning products.  Some of this we can control.  Some of this we can't.  This is why EVERY CHOICE COUNTS for those things you can control.


Problem # 2 - Hormone Disruptors.  (Otherwise known as endocrine disruptors) are chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system.  The endocrine system is a very complicated system that regulates our mood, growth, sexual function, reproductive system and metabolism.  Slight changes to the endocrine system can have serious results.  Some chemicals can mimics and fool the body into response.  Other chemicals can act as blockers and cause the over production or underproduction of hormones.  Any of these changes can have big effects on our reproductive, developmental, neurological or immune systems.  Hormone disruptors are even more dangerous than carcinogens because even a small does can cause the body to react naturally.

Problem # 3 - Allergens. Obviously allergens vary from person to person.  But the fact that there are so many untested chemicals and "hidden" chemicals in most products, there can be some unknown ingredients that may cause asthma, allergies, and skin conditions like excema and psoriasis. I say "hidden" for a reason.  We will talk about that more next time.

I hope to awaken your concern and entice you to get the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your family! I would love some feedback. Please let me know if you have questions or comments

Be Informed. Be Safe. Be Healthy.

Holistic Fashionista Recommended

How do you know if your beauty products are safe?  

There are absolutely no safety regulations on cosmetic ingredients.  Even companies who use words like "organic", "natural" and "pure" have no one but themselves checking to see if those claims are true.

If you are a clean eater and you are slathering toxic chemicals all over your body and hair, then you are doing it wrong. 

Find out how to get safer choices into your makeup bag! Shoot me a PM on Facebook and mention Holistic Fashionista to recieve 30% OFF!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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10 Things You Should NEVER See On A Beauty Product Ingredient List

{"fragrance" is a dirty word}

Article by Heather Jadus
Photo Credit: Brigette Muller
Magazine: Issue #21

10 Things You Should NEVER See On A Beauty Product Ingredient List

10 Things You Should NEVER See On A Beauty Product Ingredient List

There are many questionable items in many of our beauty and personal products. The names are long and confusing, the ingredient lists are long and confusing.....its so hard to work through it all.

Here's the main problem there are tens of thousands of ingredients in our beauty and personal products but only 20% of them have EVER been tested for safety. I know what your thinking. "What?? Are you kidding me??" Nope I am not kidding. Not at all. The cosmetics industry is completely self-regulated which is why slapping labels like Organic, Natural and Pure mean ABSOLUTELY nothing.  

I could go on but instead I am going to give you a general rule guide to go by. Here are the steps.  

1| Put ALL of your beauty/personal products into a pile (this includes ANYTHING that touches your skin or hair - e.g. shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, all makeup etc. etc.)

2| Make sure none of the words below are included on their ingredients lists.


  • Paraben (Methyl, Propyl, Butyl and Ethyl and more)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phthalates
  • PEGs (Propylene Glycol)
  • Petroleum
  • Synthetic Colors
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
  • Fragrance (Parfum, Aroma)
  • PVP/VA Copolymer
  • Stearalkonium Chloride

Most of the ingredients listed above are unsafe because they are either known carcinogens, possible carcinogens or they block the skin from releasing toxins. I want to highlight one of the things on the list: FRAGRANCE


The word Fragrance should NEVER EVER EVER be on an ingredient list. Due to the lack of laws in the US, the word "Fragrance" is considered to be trade secret therefore companies do not need to disclose what ingredients make up that word. There could be 10, 100 or even 1000 ingredients withing that word and you have no idea what they are. THIS scares the crap out of me and it should scare the crap out of you!

What's in your products?


There has not been a federal law regulating cosmetic ingredients since 1938! Only 10% of the 12,000 or so ingredients commonly found in persoanl products have been tested for safety.

If you are a clean eater but you are slathering these toxic chemicals all over your body then you are doing it wrong! Do you have the time to do the research to see what's REALLY in your favorite makeup, skincare and personal products?

Help is here! Click here to get your Beauty Bag Makeover!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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The Holistic Fashionista Social! What To Pack for Palm Springs

What to Pack for Palm Springs

Fashion Editor: Angel Quintana


Well, it's finally here... A spring extravaganza like no other business event out there, The Holistic Fashionista Social is coming to The Parker, Palms Springs on May 14th, 2015. We are excited for our lined-up of guest speakers who will be inspiring our guests to think outside the lines and go for the gold! Because want you to turn this 1-day event into a long relaxing and refreshing weekend, we've got lots planned and that means our luggage too.

Get ready for a fashionable getaway with gal pals, eye-catching swimsuits and business books for pool time (and a couple of margaritas if you so desire), flowy + lightweight hot-weathered dresses, your favorite non-toxic sunscreen, sunnies and on-point heels! Let's make this time together in-person an event to never be forgotten!

Learn more about The Holistic Fashionista and how to register at http://tinyurl.com/hf-social

See you in Palm Springs!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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