3 Things You Must Give-Up if You Want TRUE Success


3 Things You Must Give-Up if You Want TRUE Success

3 Things You Must Give-Up if You Want TRUE Success

Firstly, I want to say how honored I am to be serving such incredible people. The world is illuminated *because* YOU exist.

I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Over the past decade, I have served thousands of New Earth leaders in the discovery of their signature system®, identification of their kismet clients®, and in creating magnetic soul-based brands that are helping to raise the vibration of the planet.

It is because of the work we do here at Holistic Fashionista AND the work you do daily on yourself, that Mother Gaia has her arms open-wide to us.

The world is waking up and people are now ready for our offerings (no matter how off-the-cuff they may be), which marry both the masculine + feminine principles to transformation.

It's not everyday you bump into someone who has created a platform, product, service, or *fill in the blank* that exudes such loving care.

Like you, they are not in it just for the money.

Money is simply a bi-product of our desire to create the New Earth.

And where there is integrity, passion, and dedication, there is a fountain of kismet clients just waiting to invest in what you came here to create.

Most people think they need hundreds of clients to have a successful business, but you actually only need 3 --- three kismet clients® that is.

Really... only 3????

Yes, really!

Running a soul-based business doesn't follow all the traditional "rules of business".

It's not about trying to make everyone happy.

It's about *knowing* who your true kismet clients® are, so you can serve them above and beyond everyone else!

You only need 3 clients to build a successful soul-based brand.

These 3 clients will tell *everyone* about you, your work, your podcast, website, etc....

They will also be SO grateful for everything you GIVE.

But you have to GIVE UP something in order to *pay* or compensate what you will earn or gain for this success.

Here are 3 things you must GIVE UP in order to have a truly successful soul-based brand:

1. Give-up trying to be liked by everyone.

Sorry to break the news, but not everyone is going to like YOU or how you run your business.

That's because, the information out there about "running" a business has programmed people to believe that "the customer's always right" or "you have to be an incredible salesman" etc... to be successful... It's simply not true.

If you're liked by everyone, you're doing it wrong.

You're diluting your message.
You're playing popularity.
You're damaging your authority.

  • You have to take a STAND for something.

  • You have to MEAN what you say.

  • You have to DO what is required to share your mission no matter who unfollows, unsubscribed, cancels their membership, or trolls your pages

2. Give-up trying to control the outcome.

The Universe is in control -- not you.

This means, if you are playing with "Force of Will" magick (trying to *make* something happen), you may get it, but it's not always for the greater good of all of for YOU.

When you give up control and hand it over to the Universe that is when the *real* magick happens!

Trusting the process is the KEY to success, but you must remember it is a process. Nothing happens overnight, you have to put one foot in front of the other.

And you can't build a successful business without trusting in yourself.

When we try to control the outcome of anything, what you are really saying to the Universe is that you don't trust yourself.

When you truly believe you are always supported by the divine AND your *intention* is in the right place, that's the real recipe for success!

3. Give-up trying to do it alone.

Many budding entrepreneurs play the "piece it together" game when trying to build their businesses.

They opt-in to all kinds of freebies, soak in an absorbent amount of videos, read zillions of books, and subscribe to countless podcasts -- all with the intention of trying to put their finger on that "winning formula".

The problem with this method is all those "ideas" are mostly a "rinse and repeat" blueprint that's been regurgitated a million times for those who want to "be financially successful".

And you know what happens when you follow this method of building your business....?

A couple years go by and you realize, "Wait a minute... this is NOT the business I want. This is NOT who I want to serve and this is NOT the problem I want to help solve".

No amount of MONEY is going to change the fact that you don't like the business you've built.

And therein lies the problem.

So, they try to "rebrand" what they've already invested countless hours into, but nothing really sticks.

Rebranding is a myth.

You're not rebranding at all, because you were *never* a brand to begin with.

A brand is established once you've gain notoriety in the marketplace.

You're an authority.
You have a strong voice.
You have s superior product/service
You've believe in your mission.

When you work alongside a mentor and/or community who shares a similar mission, you adopt a new sense of empowerment.

You exude more confident.
You acquire more dedication.
You make intuitive decisions.
You emanate more power!

The long route to success is trying to put all the pieces together yourself, while trying to mirror what someone else or some other brand is doing with the *hopes* that you will emulate THEIR success.

This is not a lasting formula and on an intuitive level, you already know this to be true.

I'm here to help you!

If so, check out my Sophia Rising Leadership Training today!

As you can see, there is lots to do when we work together, but it's all so exciting and fun, you're going to LOVE every minute of it!

>>> Click here to join the waitlist

I will be opening the doors for applications starting next week.

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and repairing the holes in their aura. She is certified as holistic health practitioner and nutritional consultant for over a decade and has cured her own ailments (including a 20+ year battle with psoriasis), through the power of what she refers to as frequency medicine.

Angel Quintana is also known as an astrologer (over two decades), 5D Activist, Mystical Teacher, and a Soul's Brilliance Guide. Her contributions in the spiritual arts, innovations in astrology + holistic healing, along with facilitating conscious-driven collaborative projects has placed her as a sought after teacher on international platforms, especially related to the Occult and Spirituality, New Earth Leadership, 5th Dimensional Living, and Frequency Medicine.

Learn more about Angel and her workHolistic Fashionista Spiritual Network!
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