6 Simple Steps to Get What You Really Desire in Life


Article by Anna Svetlik De La Rosa

6 Simple Steps to Get What You Really Desire in Life

6 Simple Steps to Get What You Really Desire in Life

To most people getting what you really desire, sounds like it's near impossible - or at least improbable.

Picture for a moment what it would be like if you could have whatever you desired in your life. Imagine how you’d feel….

For example, many successful people have started out with very little, but by implementing the steps below, they have learned how to turn their dreams into a reality.

Over the years, I have personally been able to do the same just by shifting my mindset and focusing on the end result I want to achieve. Let’s see how you can do the same in your life.

Here’s how...

Step 1: Be an Optimist

If successful people have one defining attribute, it's that they tend to be optimistic - even when it might be easier to be a pessimistic. Everyone has bad things happen to them in life. Some more so than others. However, if you can learn to confront every situation with a positive mindset, you can learn to spot opportunities that others might miss. For example, if an optimist tries and fails at something, instead of viewing it as a failure, they see it as an opportunity to learn. Being an optimist doesn't mean that you believe everything is possible. It means that if you come across an opportunity that looks interesting, you examine its possibilities with a positive mindset instead of telling yourself that there's no way you could ever do it.

Step 2: Get Comfortable Taking Risks

Not everyone is a risk-taker. In fact, most people aren't willing to take the big (risky) steps that it takes to become successful. However, if you would like to get what you really desire in life, then you are going to have to get comfortable taking risks - at least calculated risks. For example, let's say that you are tired of working for your employer so you decide to quit and open your own business. As an entrepreneur, you will likely face challenges that you don't even know about yet. Therefore, you will need to take the risks that the rewards of being an entrepreneur will be well worth it.

Step 3: Adopting A Tough Mindset

Getting what you desire often means overcoming obstacles that stand in your way. There's even a good chance that you will make costly mistakes along the way. You will need to remember this quote from Albert Einstein, "You never fail until you stop trying." You will need to be mentally tough to keep from giving up - even when the going gets tough! Mental toughness is a big part of being able to stay positive and on track to achieve your goals. One way to strengthen your mental mindset is to envision how good it will feel to be successful at getting what you desire. Then continue to focus on your end result. See, what you focus on expands and if you haven’t done this before you will see a world of opportunity open up for you.

Step 4: Learn to Be Persistent

Another key attribute linked to being mentally tough - and not quitting - is persistence. The most successful people are often the most persistent. They aren't easily distracted from working hard to achieve their goals. Furthermore, they keep trying until they get it right. Unfortunately, people who lack persistence will easily give up after encountering the least little setback. Do you want to be like that or do you want to be successful?

It’s totally up to you….

If you want success, you've got to be persistent and use the failures you encounter along the way as your guide in knowing what you really desire in life.


Step 5: Learn to Be Resourceful

People who are resourceful believe that they can accomplish anything that they set their mind to. Resourceful people are problem solvers. While they don't have all the answers, they know where to find them. Being resourceful means making the most out of what you have - even if it isn't a lot. For example, Sam Walton grew up in a poor family. As a young man, he decided that he didn't want to spend his whole life in poverty. Therefore, he took what little money that he had and put it into his business (Walmart). When he needed more money to fund Walmart's growth, he found investors. You don't need to have a lot of resources to get what you desire. Instead, you just need to be resourceful and do the research yourself to get you to your desired outcome.

Step 6: Be Passionate About What You Desire

Finally, there's something that you desire, you should be passionate about getting it. That's because if you aren't passionate about what you are trying to achieve, then you won't likely achieve it. For example, let's say that you want to start a business. Running your own business means that you will probably work harder than any other time in your life. You will have to put in really long hours. Therefore, you need to start a business in a niche that you are really passionate about, a business that you are willing to put in all the hard work and long hours that it will take to make your entrepreneurial endeavor successful. 

Have Confidence in Yourself

Last but not least, if you expect to get what you really desire in life, then you are going to have to be the one to believe in yourself. That means you need to have really high self-confidence in your ability to achieve your goals. It doesn't matter what others think of you as long as you have the self-confidence to push ahead. Unfortunately, many people aren't confident enough to do the things that they want, like run a business or pursue a better career. If you struggle with low self-confidence, then you need to identity the issues - and tackle them head on. Oftentimes, people have low self-confidence due to irrational fears or misguided feelings about themselves. If that sounds like you, learn to overcome your irrational fears and feelings. Find positive people in your life who can help you boost your self-confidence. Start believing in yourself!

In short, in order to get what you really desire, you are going to have to look at every aspect of your life through the eyes of an optimist. You will also need to take calculated risks when new opportunities arise. Furthermore, you will have to adopt a tough, mindset, be persistent, and resourceful. The most successful people are always really passionate about getting what they want. Lastly, you need the self-confidence to believe in yourself if you want to achieve your goals.

Success is not based on luck or chance - it's training our minds to think, believe and operate in a way that is in alignment with your true wants and desires!  You deserve the BEST life has to offer so make it yours. 

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