Do You Consider Yourself an “Intense” Person?


Do You Consider Yourself an “Intense” Person?

Do You Consider Yourself an “Intense” Person?

What is intensity and how can it help shape the New Earth?

Intensity is a powerful life force energy. It sits in the solar plexus; it gets activated and it moves mountains.

There are 2 problems an intense population/person will face:

1. They can intimidate others with their energy. It may appear they are cold and ruthless, or even careless and mean, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The intensity you’re experiencing from an intense person is a frequency that doesn’t match your own, so it creates disruption.

Most people don’t like to feel disrupted, so it’s natural to want to “stay away”.

But another way to look at being or experiencing an intense person is by understanding how to use the potency of their energy for transformation.

By association, an intense person will activate you and your chakras.

If you hang on during the whirlwind, just by being in their orbit you can reach a new level of understanding about yourself and the world around you.

2. Being an intense person means you manifest incredibly quick, but this has it’s downfalls.

Intense people are HOT. The fuel in their belly or the heat emitted by their solar plexus can burn down a house (so to speak).

This means, if an intense person has not yet learned how to use their superpower, they will also quickly manifest what they do NOT desire.

There is a danger and a blessing to being an intense person or even being associated with one. After all, the Law of Polarity says that everything has its equal opposite or pole.

My closest friends and those whom I admire are all very INTENSE people because they activate me in ways others cannot.

The conversations, the passion, and the high frequency emanate the story of the Tower of Babel.

Those who do not want us to speak our “secret” language will try to burn down our temple because they KNOW we are powerful beyond belief.

Burn down and ban all you want, but there is no stopping an intense civilization.

They will just rebuild a new temple because that’s what we do: take action, find solutions, and never give up.

I am honored to be an intense person.

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and repairing the holes in their aura. She is certified as holistic health practitioner and nutritional consultant for over a decade and has cured her own ailments (including a 20+ year battle with psoriasis), through the power of what she refers to as frequency medicine.

Angel Quintana is also known as an astrologer (over two decades), 5D Activist, Mystical Teacher, and a Soul's Brilliance Guide. Her contributions in the spiritual arts, innovations in astrology + holistic healing, along with facilitating conscious-driven collaborative projects has placed her as a sought after teacher on international platforms, especially related to the Occult and Spirituality, New Earth Leadership, 5th Dimensional Living, and Frequency Medicine.

Learn more about Angel and her workHolistic Fashionista Spiritual Network!
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