Why You Have To Love Yourself First


Article by Christina Duran



It used to be so taboo to talk about loving ourselves-- it still is to some degree as the frequency of shame and guilt attach like a suntan. However, through the willingness of brave hearts seeking higher ground and a more meaningful experience, we as a collective have broken down the walls and allowed pivotal moments of precious vulnerability to be expressed.

As a conscious collective, this moved us…and everyone inside of “us” moved too-- giving us the opportunity to deepen our connection with our truth, learn to trust our essence, and allow her the freedom to roam. By doing so, we’ve have granted our divine selves the opportunity to seek and find new paths that our human selves may not have seen or even known to have existed.

When we are able to take off the blinders that illusion uses to keep us stuck and small, it’s almost like having new eyes. The shift can seem so subtle that we may overlook minor things and find nothing substantial and even cause us to miss receiving the truth directly presented. We have to know that this is okay.

Let’s take a deep breath together, close our eyes with our hands to our hearts and say it aloud:

“It’s ok.”

When we really love ourselves, we can trust that the highest good is coming in.

We can be sure that even if we fall, it will only last a moment, and it was for a purpose that may not be clear yet, or maybe we will never fully understand. However, we can self-sooth through love, become stronger and wiser, and learn to become more aware of how we show up and how we respond in these moments.

By committing to loving ourselves first, it becomes very clear that we would like the same treatment from others in return. It becomes natural to gravitate to environments and people that carry this frequency. When a lower vibration that does not match this comes in range, we will feel it immediately.

The trick is to love ourselves enough to not self-negate and honor our truth.

This can be done in grace with simple boundary setting-- saying no thank you and making the choice yourself to leave or let go. When we love ourselves we are willing to have our own back and understand that the universe supports us at all times. We can take accountability for when we step out of alignment and mess up by owning it and letting the experience bring in deeper awareness… forgiveness… making choices from a higher perspective.

We can speak and walk our truth with love because we have committed to truly loving and taking excellent care of ourselves.

So, let the mirror reflect your spirit, bringing in what matches your golden heart-- radiant health, inner peace, beauty, high vibe relationships and the purposeful work that thrills us.

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