Dismantling the Ego: 5 Steps Towards Spiritual Maturity


Article by Sheena Barajas

Dismantling the Ego: 5 Steps Towards Spiritual Maturity

Ego and its 3D Purpose

If tequila can make you believe that you dance as well as MJ, yet you know damn well your two left feet routinely trip you while walking up the stairs, imagine what the ego can do. For many of us, the ego has been pulling the puppet strings for a very long time and for most of us, since childhood.

The purpose of this article is to help you grow and raise your vibration. To do so, let’s first innerstand why the Ego dying has to happen. Picture the ego being a multi-faceted aspect of the human condition, responsible for both protecting the victim from a traumatic experience, while also being the cause of the traumatic experience. For example, a mother abuses her daughter, shattering her daughter’s self-esteem and confidence. In order to cope with life, the daughter learns to lie and create an avatar to avoid provoking her mother. The ego tells her it’s ok to lie because the alternative is abuse, of which the little girl obviously doesn’t deserve. The ego is the “protector” in this aspect. Now, look at the ego at work inside of the mother. When her daughter makes her angry, the ego tells her it’s ok to lash out because she was also abused as a child and it’s all she knows. Thus, the ego is now the “abuser.”

The 3D matrix in which we live, is predicated on the ego being in control over people’s psyches, enslaving them in eternal loops of victimhood vs. oppressor, whilst evil people with the most power, have built the arenas in which the ego serves as the puppeteer of consciousness.

The Great Awakening

You are no doubt, a part of this phenomenon known as “The Great Awakening” and know that this darkness-controlled 3D world is finally dissolving. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article. The Earth itself, is structurally changing and cosmically ascending to a higher density. It’s heading towards 5th dimensional energy, for which its inhabitants will need to energetically match or else perish once the transformation is complete. Between the CMEs (solar flares) from the sun, to people waking up every day with psychic gifts, and the bifurcation among humans growing by the day, this cannot be denied. Unfortunately, not everyone will make it. Fortunately, those of us who are awake, still have a choice and can take actionable steps to become an energetic match for 5D Earth. It involves total dismantlement of the ego from the inside out, and navigating the innerverse of spiritual puberty in order to hit spiritual maturity. This also means to destroy the 3D Matrix, which is not only within our collective power to do so, it’s our collective God-given mission.


Journey Through Spiritual Adolescence

First and foremost, you need to understand if and from where the ego is pulling your puppet strings, so you can cut them. Here are five common signs to see if your ego has you dancing like Pinocchio.

  1. Your social media pages have more selfies than a Vanity Fair magazine (in tandem with #2): An occasional picture of yourself with an inspirational caption or service-to-others quote can be meaningful. But full-on feeds of your perfectly coifed (or filtered AF) face and body so you can get the dopamine hit from a like button, screams that your self-esteem is in distress.

    The Fix: Shadow work! If you’re not familiar with this concept, this is facing your inner conflicts and discovering your origin story. The theme throughout this article is facing yourself because although the ego’s work demands to be seen, the ego will fight to the death to maintain its existence in anonymity. Only by facing where your arrogance and low self esteem come from, can you answer the “why” and begin to heal that area.

  2. Using phrases like “I’m so in love with myself” to promote a healthy self-image and self-love: I realize this concept may trigger people because I see this a LOT. Here’s the deal. Words cast spells which is why it’s called “spelling” and every word matters. At the end of the day, if you’re not taking action on loving yourself through your senses (diet, movement, soul work, products, etc.), can you genuinely say you have love for yourself? Are you feigning this to the world? Artificiality cannot exist in higher states of consciousness. It’s inorganic and false, ergo, 3D. Authenticity is in the soul’s fabric and of God. There’s no substitute.

    The Fix: Let me challenge you re-phrase how you verbalize your self-love with expressions like “I have love for myself” or “I honor myself” which are humble ways to appreciate your mind, body, and soul. Humility is healthy.

  3. Compliments and Support Are Rarely Reciprocal: When the ego is in the driver’s seat, it drives on one-way streets. You always want others to praise your or your products, yet you never give reciprocate. Additionally, when they show their support, you lack the grace to express gratitude at bare minimum. When you’re self-absorbed and narcissistic, this is common.

    The Fix: The next time you receive positive feedback, be gracious and say “thank you” at the very least – even if you’re that archetype who is uncomfortable with praise. Practicing gratitude teaches you empathy. Empathy allows you to feel what another feels and motivates you to reciprocate those positive feelings.

    When you see someone’s work that you wish you had done, or feel like you could’ve done better, pause and reflect. You’ll see that you actually appreciate it and any jealously you feel is the ego justifying your decision to not take a chance where someone else did. It’s not that other person’s fault. Every time you send a genuine compliment to someone who showed up when you didn’t, your ego dies a little more while your desire to show up for yourself next time, grows! Be inspired, not intimidated.

  4. You Bullshit So Much, You Believe It: This is a hard one. We all know someone who habitually lies so much, they even lie over small stuff. Try to have empathy for them, but call them out on it. In this case, that person is YOU. It’s time to stop and call bullshit on yourself because you love yourself. Understand that this may have been a survival technique you likely learned early in life.

    The Fix: Send a ton of love inward. Tell your inner child you no longer need to lie and you’re stepping in to your authentic self. You’ve outgrown this behavior and you’re ready to connect with others so they know the real you.

    Also, stop lying – even about the smallest things. If you didn’t eat breakfast today, don’t lie to your grandma and say you did, because you don’t want her fatten you like a Thanksgiving turkey. Just say “no, thank you” the 15 times it takes. Soon, you’ll be on your way to telling the truth in less hard situations.

  5. You Avoid Looking Inward At Yourself: In The Neverending Story, Atreyu had to pass one last test in order to save his world from the Nothingness. He had to face himself, his own reflection, to see if he had the courage to be who he really was or experience soul death under the weight of his character. Atreyu passed the test with honest bravery and also… this is the part where I tell you that we are all Atreyu.

    The Fix:  Mirror work. Yes, I am telling you to find a mirror and go to a place where you can be in peace. Set the intention to unmask yourself completely so that you may see the light and dark parts of your soul. Stare at your reflection for as long as it takes and journal everything that comes up – the good and the bad. Next, reflect on what you’ve discovered and start digging inwards for answers. For every uncomfortable truth, ask yourself “why” you are or feel that way until you cannot ask “why” anymore. Journal your answers. Honor yourself for showing up and send love to God and/or your ascension crew (angels, spirit guides, Christ-like beings, etc.) for showing you the way. P.s., this is an example of shadow work.

Destination 5D – The Heroes’ Journey

The ego may still be there on occasion, but the idea is that it’s so far in the backseat, it’s in the trunk. After reading some or all of the signs above, you may have cringed a bit because they resonated with you. Excellent! This means you’re ready to begin (or continue on) your path to raising your vibrational energy. You may stumble and fall. You may fail at times, but don’t ever quit. There are opportunities in the failures and missteps, which catapult us through the learning process.  For many of us, this will be a lifelong process, but the heroes’ story is just as much about the journey as it is the destination.

Be well soul brothers and sisters ❧

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