Featured Interview: Jana Cruder


Interview by Angel Quintana
Photo Credit: Jana Cruder

Photography by: Jana Cruder

Photography by: Jana Cruder

In this month’s issue of Holistic Fashionista Magazine, we’ve featured beautiful photography from Jana Cruder of Jana Cruder Photography. Jana is a successful Los Angeles based photographer working with high-profile clients who will be our special guest at the Holistic Fashionista Social on May 14th. You can see more of Jana’s work at www.JanaCruder.com

Why is Photography important to you?

It is my life, I see the world in moments. Photography creates, captures and solidifies the essence of an individual, idea or moment.

Who or what influenced you to become a photographer?

I started in a highschool photo class, I loved it so much I worked all summer to save enough money to build my own darkroom, where I spent countless hours. I was the daughter of a construction family and photography was the furthest dream from rural PA. I wanted to shoot surfers and models. I studied at RIT in Rochester NY and have been influenced by the iconic greats like Annie Lebowvitz, Timothy Walker and Norman Jean Roy. My images are hyper real with a sense of sophisticated soul.

Do you believe in the expression “A picture is worth 1,000 words”?

To a degree, its mostly these days worth 1000 likes.

What is your favorite part of having your own creative business?

I am #manifestingthedream I'm creating my own experience on my terms. I get to create, collaborate and express share my gifts and help others.

What makes a good entrepreneur in your opinion?

The go-getter who seizes opportunities and who is smart and knows when to say no.

In your opinion, what makes photography an art?

Photography is the observation and interpretation of light, the art comes in the decisive moment and concept behind crafting the image.

What projects motivated you the most?

Projects where I can use my passion and skills in fashion, portraiture or to contribute to the greater good and re-balancing of the planet.

If you could give our readers 1 piece of advice about owning your own business, what would it be?

Perseverance, perseverance, perseverance and listen to your gut.

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