5 Simple Ways to Getting Back on Track

women entrepreneurs

women entrepreneurs


Article by Marlo Wright  
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers

Often in business, and as the owner of the business, there are times -- those dark times we’d rather never speak about. Times that creep upon us during the quiet of the afternoon when no one else is around. Some thing wisps its way towards us and starts up meaningless and fearful conversations.

“Is this really working?” it asks, then all of a sudden fear has consumed everything about us, from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet. It’s fight time! It’s time to pull out the big guns and swiftly kick ourselves in the pants --snap out of it. 

Of course it is working! There are employees, customers, and fans! So then why does that feeling come? Why does it seem real? Often times, our emotions are under attack, and our responsibility becomes self-preservation. Most of the time it’s a chance to learn something new.

Perhaps the feeling is coming because though you’ve had success at one level, a new level is in transition. The ground beneath doesn’t seem as sure as it once did. It is something that was desired [growth], but once the tectonic plates beneath start shifting, the jolts and sways of uncertainty can become overwhelming. 

Here are five helpful resources towards getting you back in a more stabilized state of mind and back on track:

1.    Recognize what’s going on around you.

Don’t take anything on as personal during this time. The worst thing is to take on something that doesn’t belong to you and waste precious time and energy. 

2.    Be careful what you ingest.

Garbage in, Garbage out is imperative at this time. Your mouth can be your greatest enemy if it comes into agreement with what fear is trying to convince you of. 

3.    Talk to the right people.

Sharing your business, personal or business, can be detrimental if shared with the wrong people. The last thing you need are naysayers polluting  your space. 

4.    Learn the lesson.

In every great struggle there’s and equally great revelation to learn from. Don’t be so caught up in the mechanics of what is going on that you don’t pay attention to the how to overcome it.

5.    Dig in deep.

Ultimately, no matter if you have your own cheerleading squad behind you every step of the way, they can’t do it for you. You have to dig deep within to win. You have to fight. You have to change your attitude and come out winning. 

Emotions are like waves, they will toss you to and fro if you allow them. You are a fighter, otherwise you wouldn’t be in business in the first place! You would have been content with a comfy, cushy job behind a desk, clocking in and out daily for someone else. It’s time to kick yourself in the pants because at the end of the day YOU CAN DO IT! You keep doing it, until you reach your goals!

Then you’re crazy enough to reach those, and set new ones! You are amazing and one of a kind! the world needs you to flourish! 

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