5 Secrets to Turning Mistake Into Profit


Article by Marlo Wright
Photo Credit: Rose Jane
Magazine: Issue #19

Turning Mistake Into Profit!

Turning Mistake Into Profit!

Why is it some people seem unaffected and others just can’t get good footing in business? Here are Five Small Secrets to help you move beyond the insurmountable events giving your profit friction!

5| Admission - Admitting a mistake is HUGE in moving forward and finding the solution! I think we all know someone who’s too cowardly to stand up and take the blame — then shake our head in embarrassment for them. A profit making, business person can accept responsibility.

4| Negative Talk! - When you’ve discovered the mistake, don’t beat yourself up too long about it! What good does it do but keep you in a negative space? Change your speech to “I made this mistake. I accept responsibility. Now I embrace the correction needed to move forward. The right thoughts are coming to me. I have what I need to move past this mistake.”

3| Act Accordingly! - Once your mouth is in alignment, the body will follow. Actions necessary to correct the mistake will start to happen and you will see results! Remember, sometimes the mistake is a small dingy and other times it’s the size of the Titanic — It’s important to BE PATIENT with yourself during the process and the process itself.

2| Be Thankful - It (the mistake) could have slipped passed you entirely, but at whatever point you caught it, you did! Now, it’s time to unleash your praise and thanks for catching it when you did! Releasing this positive energy into the atmosphere will come back to you! You will attract positivity to continue moving forward!

1| Do Your Best! Your best is all you need. But doing your best means being honest with yourself! Are you really giving this your all? How can you give more? What specifically should be done?


Remember, no one is perfect, but we can maintain a high level of integrity and standards for ourselves in which we decide to operate.

Mistakes are the same as college experience — something you have to pay for and that’s invaluable to your long term success! When you make a mistake, whether it’s an oopsy, boo-boo, or a full fledge “IT hit the fan” the best part is the worst part is generally over. It is also an indicator you discovered a way of NOT doing something and in that philosophy you are in the company of some pretty brilliant minds.

Do the research and search the internet for Business Owner failures. You’ll quickly discover the flubs, many great businessmen and women have made and the most important part — Their Comeback!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Your Time Management Problem May Not Be About Managing Time


Your Time Management Problem

Your Time Management Problem

Article by Ling Wong
Photo Credit: Rose Jane
Magazine: Issue #19

Maybe you have tried all the “time management” tools and methods under the sun, and still feel that you need a 28-hour day. 

The problem is, you may not be attacking your problem with the right tool! Your “time” problem may not be a “time” problem, so using “time management” tools and methods is not going to get to the bottom of the issue.

So let’s get to the bottom of it and solve your TIME problem:

Root Cause #1: You Lack Clarity

Without a clear vision/objective/goal, you don’t know what you need to do to achieve what you want so you try to do everything everyone tells you because they “sound good”. Without a Conviction, everything sounds like the right thing to do – yeah, they may be “right” but are they right for YOU? What is YOUR priority?

The Cure: Get clear on what you want your business to do FOR YOU. Design your business based on your passion, conviction, superpowers and vision. Map out your fastest path to cash that is in alignment with your Truth. Then you will know what you need to do next. Then make that ONE thing the non-negotiable item in your day.

Root Cause #2: You Lack Boundary

Of course, we need healthy boundary with other people so you don’t say “yes” to taking on other people’s shit; say “yes” to opportunities that are not aligned with your value and big vision; say “yes” to arrangements that infringe on your money boundary (time = money).

But more importantly, we often overlook the boundary we need to establish with ourselves. It can be much harder because it is much harder to realize that we are infringing our own boundary.

If you set “rules” and then break them, you are infringing on your own boundary. If you let your monkey mind take over and derail you with negative thoughts, fears and distractions, you are infringing on your own boundary. If you let yourself do things that don’t serve your big vision, you are infringing on your own boundary.

The Cure: let’s help you figure out what to say “no” to – both to others and to yourself. Imagine you have only 16 hours in your day, and you still have to sleep 8 hours (no cheating!) How would your day look like? What can you realistically accomplish (i.e. the important stuff that will make you feel that the day is well spent) and what can be dropped without a hint of guilt (because it would be humanly impossible to do 24 hours worth of tasks in 16 hours)?

Root Cause #3: You Are Letting Fears Take Over

Not managing our time well often means we don’t get to the important stuff. If we know the stuff is important, why can’t we get to it?

Because, very often, those are the important stuff that will move the needle and rock the boat… but our caveman brain doesn’t like that. Change is scary… even though that’s what you want. 


These important things also often require us to put ourselves and our stuff out there. That can trigger the Fear of Inadequacy (what if I/my stuff is not good enough?) and the Fear of Being Vulnerable (what if I get criticized?) To avoid these fears, we procrastinate – aka spend time doing things that don’t matter – so we can delay putting ourselves/our stuff out there.

The Fear of Missing Out can also get the best of us – what if I miss a very important Facebook post? If I don’t read all the tweets I am going to miss something…

The Cure: when you find yourself procrastinating or doing “time suck” stuff, see if it’s a reaction to an underlying fear – e.g. instead of reaching out to potential clients you dawdle on Facebook because you are afraid of rejection. 

Cultivate the awareness and acknowledge the fear, then try this 5-minute 6-step process to release it.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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How to Release and Reverse Negative Beliefs


Article by Priscilla Wainwright
Photo Credit: Michelle Kim
Magazine: Issue #18

Release and Reverse Negative Beliefs

Release and Reverse Negative Beliefs

Whatever is holding you back and causing you emotional pain is rooted in your beliefs that you have absorbed over the years. These are fiction, the creation of your false self, but you have accepted them as reality. Therefore, you probably haven’t seriously questioned them.

Now is the time to throw them out and create a new, powerful, positive belief system. We all hold beliefs about 3 major categories: Self, Others, and Life/World/Universe.

Take 3 sheets of paper. Label one “Self”, the next “Others”, and the third “Life”. Write down on the appropriate paper all the negative beliefs you can think of that you hold about each of these categories.

When that is completed, take 3 new sheets of paper. Label each as above. For each negative belief, write on the new paper a positive opposite, corrective belief. You don’t have to believe these positive beliefs right now. Just do it. If you need help, review the Universal Truth articles on www.InnerTigress.com and the positive counter-statements on the Symptom List on the home page.



I am worthless.
People are evil & conniving.
The world doesn’t care about me or my ideas.


I am of priceless value & worth.
People are basically good at heart & generous.
The world is waiting for what I have to offer.

Once you have created your list of positive beliefs, start every day by reading your list. Then show up and start acting every day inside those new beliefs. Act as if they are true. Stick with this and soon you’ll see new results and the new beliefs will take hold. Spend a few moments each morning visualizing yourself as glorious and powerful, acting from these new beliefs.

Shred, burn, or otherwise destroy the lists of negative beliefs. You might wish to create a little ritual around their destruction.

Perhaps light a candle, dress up in your prettiest outfit, go outside in nature, or in a safe place at home and burn the lists. At the same time, tell yourself that you are a new creation, glorious and powerful beyond measure. Maybe say a prayer, have a celebratory meal and/or drink. Maybe have a close girlfriend participate with you. Whatever. Have fun, Tigress.

Rise Up and ROAR! “The old has passed away. All has become new.” – St. Paul

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Why You Should Stop Giving Away Your Goodies for Free


Why You Should Stop Giving Away Your Goodies For Free

Why You Should Stop Giving Away Your Goodies For Free

Article by Nikka Karli Salifu
Photo Credit: Pinterest

Are you a Goodie-Giver? Someone with an amazing gift, but you can't seem to keep it in your pants when it comes to giving away your services for free?

I'd reckon that you, Sweet Thang, are so awesome that everyone comes to you for help. With their relationships. Their nutrition/fitness. Their branding. And you, Sugar Lips, haven't exactly mastered the art of saying “no”. Right? You spend the time that you SHOULD be dedicating to launching your mission on not-so-stellar interactions. Things like writing meal plans for everyone you know, helping your sister's girlfriend's mom attract her ideal clientele, or doing 2-hour life coaching sessions for your old boyfriend who just really needs your advice with his wife/job/future book. Oh, and you’re doing all of this FOR FREE!  Ringing any bells, Sassy Pants?

It's high time you start charging top dollar. If you want your business to go from Side Job to Soul Gig, you have to start respecting your gifts rather than giving them up to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who says they need your help. Of course they need your help!  You've got SKILLS, baby! However, that does NOT mean you should be laying out the proverbial trough for everyone to come chow down on your talent. You’ll only be left with a temporary high of having helped someone (ahhh, this is why I do what I do). Wait. Don't get too happy because this is eventually followed by resentment that they had the nerve to send you another 3am text asking for your advice regarding their oh-so-immediate concern about the fact that their uterus is going to be rocket-launched from their body if you don't help them find a man like yesterday (this is also known as a Business Bootie Call and unfortunately comes without the added benefit of you actually getting any). Finally, you reach full-blown resentment and astonishment at why you're unable to build your dope-a$$ business. Yuck.

So, what's a Dame to do? Why, learn to practice her Sacred No, of course! The next time someone asks you for free help to fix their life, ask yourself if makes your soul happy. Is it going to help you focus on sharing your purpose with people who really need your help? Or is it only helping you to continue playing small? Ouch!  By giving it up (errr, away) for free, you are only succeeding in hiding your true talents from the people who are desperately seeking YOU. Would you rather learn to use that Sacred No or continue giving every Joe in town a free ride on your Talent Train?

Remember, Fancy Face, playing in the Big Leagues means knowing (and charging) your worth.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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