Find Your Balance With A Secret Place



Article by Denita Austin  
Photo Credit: Pamela C. Wills

I believe that everyone needs a secret place that is close to your heart and that no one knows about. We are sensitive to our environments and with that being said, we should always make it a priority to visit places that bring out the best in us. We want to experience a high vibration of total happiness at our secret place of bliss.

Where is your favorite place to be? Is it a beach house with the perfect view of the ocean, a hidden nook in the Forrest that brings you closer to nature or a cute bungalow tucked away in the mountains? Be free within your space and take this time to appreciate all of the wonderful things in your life. Visit this secret place as often as possible to gather your thoughts and to become balanced.

My secret place is a hidden cove tucked away in the rain forrest . I absolutely love this place because it allows me to be creative within my thoughts. I’m able to journal and take long walks to clear my mind. I love sitting by the fire pit as the sun sets to relax and unwind. The weather is always amazing and I love connecting with my surroundings. Do some research on places that peak your interest and plan a visit. You never know what you will discover in your new secret place of choice. 

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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We Are All Healers {Remove Life's Programming}


We Are All Healers

We Are All Healers

Article by John Scardina
Photo credit: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #37

As most people go through life living a programmed life, I sit back and wonder how many years in my lifetime have I wasted living in this manner. We all know the routine, it does start early in our lives as we have little choice in our early years, we know no better and are dependent on a society that molds us. We are taught to fit into society at so many levels that restricts us to think and do only as others do. Society has created these events making it difficult to think for ourselves and become who we were meant to be or better yet, who we manifest to be.

This also hinders our beliefs that we can openly be allowed to think outside of the box and succeed by far surpassing those who never release a programmed life.

We do not succeed by being just like everyone else.

We have been raised by this society, but we have been lied to at the same time. It’s time that you hear the truth about breaking free from this programmed life.

I want to share a bit with all of you, as I’ve lived this structured and programed way for much longer that I should have. I’ve been educated throughout the years and excelled at many things just exactly like everyone else. This gave me an education (which is a great thing), but I never really thought for myself. I needed to figure out for myself what it took to be one or two steps ahead of the pack and succeed in business and life. Breaking free from these so called normal events was one of the most frightening moments ever. This was a time to look deep inside myself and determine what it was that I needed. This started with more education in the Holistic realm and finally stumbling into energy work. Something about this felt so right to me, the ability to manipulate energy for positive benefits. So many benefits that blew my mind.

If you had the opportunity to learn and master techniques that allow you to heal yourself, events and others, would you be able to handle this truth? Society has made us dependent of receiving healing from others exclusively. It’s time to break free from this dependency and freely explore the possibilities of what Energy Healing can do for you, your life, and your business. As a Reiki Master Teacher I teach the individual methods that allow this process to manifest in your life every day, placing you in control of your real truth. Can you handle the truth that you do possess this ability and just need to be attuned to this process and remove the programmed life concept forever? Deprogram yourself into a successful life and experience the real truth of who you are and what you can be! Learn to manipulate energy.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Surviving as an Entrepreneur: It Takes a Village


Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #36

It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village

I was thinking the other day about how my life has unfolded over the recent years and all events that have brought me to where I am now as an entrepreneur. Every choice I’ve made has happened right or wrong for a single purpose in order to bring me here today. I did manifest and meditate along the way visualizing where I wanted to be, and my vision has become extremely close to my current reality. But I wondered ever so deeply, “why am I here now?” When I tell people about what I do in business, certainly if they are not from the same holistic realm they look a bit bewildered. “I’m a healer, an educator, and a believer in spiritual health.” I receive so many questions of what it is that I actually do from those who not found a path yet, or those who belong to another village. So I answer as many questions as I can in order to inform people of all possibilities if only they choose a path, their own path.

It even gets a bit stranger for me when I tell them that I often write for an amazing women’s entrepreneurial magazine. This one sentence statement gets me looks that are so entertaining. I often wonder myself why I’m here doing this right now at this point and realized it’s what I have always manifested, “Being a respected part of a village.”

It does take this village for all of us to succeed in business, those who are like minded, searching for answers and dedicated to helping others succeed. Without the help of this village we are just solitary entrepreneurs struggling along a lonesome path just surviving in business without the help of others. This is a path I first followed when I knew everything or at least thought I did. This proved to be just an existence that was just simple and rarely profitable. The rarely profitable part was something that I have never manifested at any level, but the solitary path nurtured a lack of profitability for a long time before I came to realize that it does really take a village. I needed to become part of this village and by doing my homework I educated myself on networking skills and learned about the village and introduced myself. Learning and sharing with this village has allowed me to become a respected member of the village and very profitable on a regular basis.

If you want to do more than just survive as an entrepreneur, study your village, introduce yourself, teach this village, learn from this village, and most of all share with this village. As holistic entrepreneur’s we need each other in order to succeed, we really do need the village.

I could not imagine not being part of a village and when people ask me what it is I do now, I reply “I’m a healer, educator, and a believer of spiritual health amongst many others”.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Why You Suck at Business and How to Course Correct


Article by Pamela Wills
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #36

Why You Suck at Business

Why You Suck at Business

Hint: You have to actually TRY

Lookout, I feel a rant coming on...

Oh man, I talk with far too many Artists who think that creating art is their only responsibility! I mean, can you imagine?? What about the responsibility of bringing the art to the people?? That is a very big, very serious responsibility. Not to be taken lightly. Amiright?? The question always comes down to HOW?? I mean, I'm sure you've noticed by now that it's not like, if you make it, they will come. This ain't no field of dreams, peeps, this is the real life! 

Before we start working together, clients often drop little bombshells about how they've had a book published, they're represented at a gallery, they've written songs for major recording Artists, all like it's no big deal. But it's huge! Amazing! Enviable! And thoroughly well-deserved as they are all mega talented Artists.

So then, How are your sales going? I usually ask. Any marketing going on? Any PR or social media? Do you talk about those big wins at parties, ever??

Almost every time, I hear this: No, not really. I don't like talking about it. That's too scary! I'm sure you can guess how many times I say this: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, well then... Listen, I get that many of us are kind of left high and dry on the learning curve when it comes to technology and social media and all that.

But there is no excuse for hiding behind your art. There is no excuse for refusing to share your gifts with the world. There is no excuse for letting your fear of judgement get the best of you and keep you from talking about your work.

Am I saying you have to bore people with endless diatribes about your creative process? NO, please no! Am I suggesting that you explain at length the many ways that you've been screwed over by this or that agent or gallery? Are you kidding me, have we MET? No. I AM saying that if you want to gain recognition and CASH for your work, you MUST talk about it, put it out there, expose yourself to criticism and praise, accept both, realize the value of your creativity, charge what your work is worth, talk about it talk about it talk about it talk about it (to the rhythm of Funkytown if you please).

Are you with me??

Good. Rant over.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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How to Find the Gold in your Story


Finding The Gold In Your Story

Finding The Gold In Your Story

Article by Denita Austin
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #36

Most of us are not comfortable with sharing our story with the world. We may feel embarrassed about sharing our truth or we may think that our story isn’t that great. Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s not a good feeling, so I highly recommend getting off that train ride right now. What do I mean by the gold in your story? Your story is unique simply because you are. No one has experienced your journey quite like you and no one can share their story the way you do.

The power of story is absolutely incredible. I have always been fascinated and inspired by people's stories from all walks of life. I strongly believe that when we take the time to listen to someone's story, it allows us to understand each other on a higher level. One story can transform someone's life and encourage them to speak their truth. A heartfelt story creates a space to communicate and empathize with an open heart. Would you agree?

Finding the gold in your story isn’t hard. The gold in your story is the emotion behind your experience. No one is going to share your personal story the way that you do.

Here are the questions that will start those creative juices flowing.
:: What is your story?
:: What was your child hood like?
:: What past memory are you holding on to and why?
:: What have you learned from your most memorable experience?
:: How can your story inspire someone else?

Depending on our upbringing, this will determine how we view the world and how we communicate with others. Keep in mind, we all have different backgrounds and experiences, so we can’t assume that someone is aware of how we may view a situation. This is why it’s super important to share your story. I remember going out with a group of friends one day to a lovely restaurant. I was super excited about it. It was an opportunity to bond, share and connect. I’m all for that every chance I get. This is a prime example of why I enjoy personal connections. We learn so many extraordinary things about each other and my personal story highlights my journey of connecting with others. More about that later… Everyone at the restaurant had this perception of me before they even took the time to connect with me. This is what they shared after we broke the ice in conversation. I’m sure you have experienced the same thing. Let’s just say by the end of the night, their perception changed only because they took the time to listen to my story of who I am, what I stand for and how I grew up. 

Stories are golden simply because they inspire and transform lives every single day. When was the last time you shared your story or allowed someone to share theirs? I encourage you to do this the next time bonding is on your agenda for the day. 

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Featured Interview: Chanelle Sladics


Interview by Angel Quintana
Photo Credit: Victor of Valencia featuring Chanelle Sladics
Magazine: Issue #35

Photo by Victor of Valencia

Photo by Victor of Valencia

Professional snowboarder, activist and adventurer Chanelle Sladics speaks to our editor about her career and co-founding her own philanthropic brand Simply Straws.

What sparked the idea of creating a zero waste straw alternative? 

My mom was developing arthritis from the 30 yrs she had dedicated to dental hygiene, she didn't want to stop, but her body needed to seek healing. She started looking for alternative ways she could continue to help her patients. The general academy of dentistry recommends straws for basically every beverage besides water to protect your teeth from staining, sensitivity and erosion. When she brought the idea to me, we did some research and realized is was a massively overlooked disposable plastic. 500 million plastic straws are disposed daily in USA alone. As a passionate activist, I knew I wanted to get involved. 

Do you see your Simply Straw brand expanding and converting other products into no-waste alternatives in the future?

Absolutely on many levels. I see great value in aligning with brands that are already doing an excellent job and selling our products together. If its reusable and compatible with our straws- its a great potential. We are already selling collaborations like this with ToGoWare utensil sets and Klean Kanteen tumblers. We may invest in designing our own products that fit our Simply Straws, but for now we feel it is best to align with brands we believe and sell our products together.

Being a Co-Founder of Simply Straws, what would you say is the biggest and best thing you bring to the table?

Partnerships. I am a big fan of working together and building community. Together we can build momentum, feed off each other and exponentially grow our impact. I launched our “Straws for Cause” collaborations which connects each colored straw with a different NPO educating or activating against plastic pollution. Basically at minimum our 1% to the planet benefits our brand’s non-profit partners. We do a lot together beyond this, but its our minimum commitment to each other.

Our cause partners are: PINK Keep a Breast Foundation, GREEN Protect our Winters, SMOKE Non-Toxic Revolution, TEAL 5 Gyres, AMBER Plastic Pollution Coalition. We also work closely with 1:1 Movement on their “last straw” campaign.

Photo by Victor of Valencia

Photo by Victor of Valencia

What is really cool is we wanted to run our business similar to a non-profit- we wanted a direct impact on the problem of disposable straws and we quickly realized what a great fit for a B Corporation we were. We are so proud to be apart of the BCorp community. We really feel using business as a force for good is the solution we need to create a healthy environment for us humans, the planet and our eco system. We all need to be honored for the energy we invest into anything, but are we sharing that energy to invest in the health and happiness for all? Thats my manifestation for the future. It feels so good to be apart of something bigger than ourselves.

Being environmentally conscience clearly holds a place in and out of the work place; What sparked your vision of hosting a zero waste snowboarding event? 

I wasn’t raised with the consciousness of where everything comes from and where everything goes. I have so much more to learn, but at the least- the system is broken. The disposable system has made us lazy and disconnected from our true sources. For example, bottled water is everywhere. We started gathering it originally at springs, then at some point tap water, now small disposable plastic water bottles are filled with tap water and transported to us. Thankfully we are starting to shift back, but as a well seasoned traveler- I am boggled at how many plastic bottles and togo cups with straws I see get used for a few minutes and disposed. These plastics take a 1,000 years to break down and we are only using them for minutes!

Slow down and look at the process. Using energy to draw the oil from the earth and using the petroleum to create the plastic that is molded in mass production and shipped wherever- just so you dont need to carry your own reusable around. Its quite disturbing, and I was surprised the governments supported this process when I first realized it. In USA we aren't even required to ask if the customer wants a straw, we just give them one or even two with a cocktail. Look around and you will be amazed at how many straws are getting disposed. Especially once you see the ripples of pollution it is creating in our waterways, eco systems and manufacturing pollution in our airways. 

So you continue following the money and realize how much money and lobbying these energy companies invest in our governments to keep us relying on their products. Petroleum even enters into our food chain with chemical pesticides for our GMO plants and even in our pharma products. Its all connected and the sooner we wake up to it, the sooner we find absolute purpose in buying products that serve the greater good of you and the earth. I love how, with smart design, we can live in communities and cities on earth and enjoy the best food, water and vibrations the earth has the offer. The future is bright if we continue to “vote with our purchases”.  

Ok- so now I am a bit off topic, but you are getting to know me, my path, my perspective and what is motivating the projects and brands I am creating. As a professional snowboarder for 10 years, I saw a direct opportunity to lead the charge in this department.  

I don’t expect soccer to be the first sport to have a zero waste footprint, but it makes perfect sense for action sports to lead the charge. Our sports rely on a healthy environment to thrive. With no snow, we have no events, we have no tour, we have no magic to take us deep into the winter. Kjersti Buaas and I saw this need and opportunity to show our industry how easy it would be to make some big shifts towards zero waste.  

We achieved this by:
-digital registration
-serving organic food
-selling reusable kits for spectators to enjoy our beverage garden and festivities
-creating the marketing materials, banners and athlete bibs out of recycled or organic materials
-support local business for our services
-setting us recycling and composting bins by waste bins
and more. Check out Community Cup for more info.

Our intent was to create ripples and lead by example for our industry.

Photo by Victor of Valencia

Photo by Victor of Valencia

What was the most difficult task to overcome during that process?

Raising capital to properly execute this vision from brands we believed in. In general raising funds is a challenge, but to create a zero waste concept where you dont want money from brands that dont align with the vision and make it a women’s only event- you have really slimmed down your opportunities for funding. It takes a lot to create a sporting event with prize money, film production and an eco festival with concerts. We went big and it really over extended us and our resources, but we are proud we were able to pull it off. We now see opportunities where we could have made it even easier, but that comes with all projects, you get better each time, more fine tuned. 

What’s the biggest aspiration you have for your business? 

I have 3 businesses, Simply Straws, Community Cup, and PRSNT.  All of them are caused based businesses.  

What’s the most rewarding thing about Simply Straws?

Knowing that each straw represents a lifetime product that will replace an exponential amount of waste.  In addition, each straw represents a ripple of education through our Non-Profit partners and the strangers inspired by your Simply Straw.  It is such a beautiful product, anywhere I go in the world, it is always a conversation starter, it always draws attention.  

How much of your inventory is purchased through wholesale? What are some businesses that sell your product?

We focus our energy on online sales, we love to have a direct connection with our buyers.  We were honored to be recruited by a whole region of Whole Foods the first day we soft launched our business at green festival in LA.  We have now expanded modestly into retailers that find us.  At some point we plan to take this impact more national, but right now we are taking our time.

What seems to be the most effective way to get the Simply Straws name and message out there? 

Whenever people get to touch, feel or see our product- they usually take one home with them. They are stunning handmade products that resonate excellence. The colors are fun and nothing tastes better than glass. We have the highest quality glass and it is incredibly durable and can handle temperatures much better than stainless steel.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am proud of the women I continue to evolve into. I am constantly urning to grow and that growth is reflected in my projects, brands and alignments. I seek happiness daily and build relationships that are meaningful to me. I always aim to create business deals where both parties win.

What has been the most difficult thing with Simply Straws? Would you do anything differently?

Absolutely! It is incredibly challenging to run a product business, especially when you are manufacturing, packaging, shipping, marketing, etc. I would have reached out for a mentor that could guide us on how to streamline our backend, we are continuing to fine tune this, but it is crucial to be as organized and efficient as you can. There are so many moving parts, just to generally understand the ins and outs before you dive in, saves you from learning the “hard way”. Ultimately, it has brought my family together even more and I feel like I am slowly earning a masters in business haha. Especially with the digital landscape we sell our products in now, you can only know so much, everything is changing constantly-  so hold on tight and pay attention.

What advice would you give to new environmentally friendly start-up companies?

Get a mentor, create an inspiring board of advisors, be organized, make sure the brand has a purpose so you can always show up smiling.  

Photo by Victor of Valencia

Photo by Victor of Valencia

How do you define success for your business?

Every straw we sell is a piece of our success.

You’re also very successful outside of your Simply Straws business; did being a professional snowboarder have any influence on what you’re passionate about today?

Absolutely.  I was going to double major in Film & Kinesology and minor in physiology at University, but I have still not had time to attend collage. So I have been immersing myself in as many programs as I can, and funny enough- I am still fascinated by those topics. I always wanted to learn everything and found collage restrictive for all the topics that I wanted to study. Now I am studying to be an nutritionist, I teach yoga + meditation, I will start a permaculture farm in the coming years and draw knowledge from what I learned getting my permaculture certificate. I have also been studying phycology with Anthony Robbins’s programs and many others. There is so much valuable information out there.

Now after many years of studying under some of the best teachers in the world, I am setting out to teach in intimate settings at our PRSNT Performance retreats, workshops and camps. I have been preparing the last few years for this opportunity. We had our first event in Trondhiem, Norway January 9th and it was massively fulfilling. It is an honor to create a safe space to learn, apply knowledge and practice. We eat clean food, learn about nutrition, practice meditation and yoga in a really goofy fun environment. Each experience is paired with an outdoor yang activity and a proper digital detox. The aim is to create a portal of presentness that will help you reconnect with yourself, your spirit, your dreams and revive you so you can resonate from your best self.  

What things in your daily life do you do to help reduce the impact of everyday waste?

I use my reusables every day of my life. I support brands that have a positive impact on the earth, animals and us humans. I vote with my purchases and sign petitions regularly. I aim to plant seeds of information whenever I get the opportunity. I live with love and gratitude for my life, my health, our global community and the earth that provides us with everything we need to thrive. I manifest I have inspired you to live with purpose & intention.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Success Strategies for Charging Your Worth


Becoming an Empowered Woman

Becoming an Empowered Woman

Article by Marinna Rose
Photo Credit: Sajas Minrah
Magazine: Issue #34

So many women have a difficult time asking for their value in the service they give, especially those in the holistic industry. The secret of receiving your value is not only being able to show others the value you have to offer, but first and foremost YOU valuing yourself! 

You may know that you are worthy and feel what you have is very valuable, but if you are not resonating that out to the world in everything you do, you will NOT receive the value back from others and your clients. 

This comes from complete unconditional value for who you are and what you have to offer. If you even breathe a sigh of “No worries, I’ll make this work for you and adjust my time for your schedule etc..” Your value is lost in that same breath. 

Think about this. If you are not valuing you, your time, and program first, then how do you expect anyone else to? You know who they will value more? Your competitor. Even though they may not have the best program or might not be the best match. If your competitor stands in their leadership role without wavering, not giving anything up to get the acceptance of the deal, then the client will organically feel it is a better value.

Why you ask would they feel it would be a better value just based on that? Well that is the million-dollar question. They are standing in their value, not showing any desperation, not giving any of themselves up to be fed by the client valuing them… they already know they are valuable and do not need validation.

The client feels this validation energetically and they are attracted to this energy, because that is how the Law of Attraction works. Also the Universe responds to you standing in your value, it now knows you are valuing yourself and your goods, so it now delivers that value back to you.

Success Strategies to Receiving your Value:

Strategy 1 :: Work on yourself first. Look at your own life and see if you are receiving the value that you deserve, not just in business, but also in your personal life, friends & family. This is where you will find the truth of what you are resonating to the world.

If you are not feeling that you are receiving your value back, then ask some questions, do some journaling about what is blocking your value from being received.

For example: are you one of those great friends, sisters, mothers etc.. that prides themselves on always being there for everyone, dropping everything when they need you…but maybe when you are in need everyone seems to be too busy?

Strategy 2 :: Are you feeling conflicted on what to charge for your work? If you are everyone will feel this and you will not receive your value. Do some journaling in why you are conflicted. Is it because you feel you do not have enough education or not certified in your area? Well that’s all hooey, most conflictions are stemmed from other peoples opinions. So be sure to ask yourself where this is coming from, you’ll be surprised it’s usually not from you.

Now be sure to become solid in your foundation of what you feel is the correct value of your service without the outside factors and practice, practice, practice delivering so you feel very comfortable and come from a place of certainty and power when delivering.

Strategy 3 :: Coming from your power space, do not waiver when the client makes excuses. Do not give any of yourself, time or value up in this moment. Only ask questions back to the client of what this transformation is worth to them. Make them tell you how valuable your service is in their own words.

Remind them that the value lies in showing the Universe how serious you are about your goal. So when you are willing to take that risk, the bigger the better and the better result. When the Universe sees that you have taken this action it knows you mean business and it delivers!

P.S. These strategies also work with friends and family, be sure to come from your power space when they ask of you and only say yes when your heart is all in and nothing is expected back on your end. When you come from a place of obligation you both become the negative ends of the magnet and the energy exchanged has no charge, if any it is negative…the whole process becomes null and void. This approach was life changing for me, I know personally these strategies will get you on the road to emerging your Empowered Women that is hovering under the surface!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Should You Get Off the Entrepreneurial Bandwagon?


Article by Jentana Lee Dabbs
Photo Credit: Spell & the Gypsy Collective
Magazine: Issue #33

Should You Get Off the Entrepreneurial Bandwagon?

Should You Get Off the Entrepreneurial Bandwagon?

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve probably noticed that everyone and their mother wants to get on the entrepreneur train these days and with the coming of age millennials and Gen Y’s, that number continues to grow every year. 

Is there enough business to go around?

The answer is “yes,” there is plenty of business to go around, because just as the number of entrepreneurial dreamers grow, so does the number of dreamers who need your service, however, the challenge is how do you stand out and get noticed in a very crowded sea? 

You find your business success super power!

What is a business success super power? A business success super power is not like a Wonder Woman character, running around in a low cut sexy costume and stiletto boots, a business success super power is a very unique talent, skill or energy that all of us possess and feels natural to us, yet it’s not really something that others in your field can do. The super power that you have is not only going to draw your business tribe to you, but it will make the success of your business seem effortless and fun once you figure out your power and you know how to master it.

“With great power, comes great responsibility” -Spider Man

How to find your success super power

The first and absolute most important step is you have to drop the pity party attitude right now, if you have it! The pity party attitude is your kryptonite that will weaken you and keep you from both discovering and using your business success super power. If you have at any time, compared yourself to other people on social media or anywhere else, believe that others are more talented than you, feel like you’re not enough, or you wish you could be someone other than you, or any other self-doubt thoughts, then like Lex Luther trapping Superman, you’re surrounded by a wall of kryptonite that will eventually kill your success!  

What comes easy to you?

Once you have escaped your “kryptonite” the next question you ask yourself is what has always come easy for you or what have most people complimented you on as being impressive? Here are a few examples of success super powers that are exceptionally powerful in business that most people don’t think about:

• Ability to really listen to others
• Ability to intuitively know what someone needs
• You have strong energy and enthusiasm that is contagious to others
•  You can walk into a room with power woman confidence and get noticed
• You can connect well with others
• You know how to connecting others to each other
• You’re a master networker
• You make others feel warm and appreciated
• You can make someone feel safe and protected
• You can create beautiful, inspirational content in a flash, that people thank you for
• You can write in a way that others can emotionally relate to
• You’re a story teller, you can keep everyone on the edge of their seats
• You’re super funny, you make others laugh even in uncomfortable situations
• You’re super deep and aware, you can discuss anything from spirituality to the existence of life on other planets
• You’re very personable, you can instantly make someone feel like their the most important person in your world
• You rock at customer service and make your customers feel valued and listened to
• You can speak with power and conviction
• You are a computer geek who can easily create sites and social media strategies that get noticed

How to use your super power

When it comes to your personal super power, what may come very easy and naturally to you may not for others. For example having a super power of high energy and enthusiasm that is contagious, is a strong power, because people who possess that super power can make a wet piece of coal seem exciting and valuable enough to get others excited and happy to pay the high asking price for that wet coal. Most people, regardless of how many books and courses they’ve taken, will never be able to master that skill, because that skill is not a skill that they are comfortable with, however someone may have the computer geek super power and she can sit all day at her computer, inspiring and energizing a whole community of online people who love what she is doing and they will buy what she has to offer, without ever seeing their faces or speaking to them.

Master your super powers

Make a list of all of your super powers, pick three of what you believe to be your strongest super powers and learn how to master and channel it into your business success. For example, if your super powers are master networker, able to listen to others and you connect well, then stop spending your time behind a computer and find ways to connect with others face to face. The more you master your success super powers, the easier it will be for you to say up, up and away and fly to your dreams quickly!

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