Reframe Your Mindset For Professional Growth


Article by Denita Austin

Reframe Your Mindset For Professional Growth

Reframe Your Mindset For Professional Growth

Reframing your mindset might sound like a simple process that you can routinely do by running through some mental exercises. But it's not; the human mind is built to resist change. Anytime you decided to get comfortable in a habit or in the way of doing things, changing it can be difficult. This is why reading so many books can be helpful, but it does not get to the issue's root. Reframing your mindset will have to encompass your roles, beliefs, and thoughts about other people. If you want to get on the journey of reframing your mindset, then try starting here:

  • Develop a Working Strategy: you need first to understand what mindset you have holding you back. Then make a plan on how to change it.

  • Surround yourself with people that have the mindset that you wish to achieve

  • Start the habit of waking up early, meditating, and planning your date

  • Set up programs that will help to destroy limiting beliefs

  • Look for an accountability partner that could help you monitor your progress

  • Don't be in a hurry; take it slow

  • Read books, attend programs, but be careful, only attend the ones that will help you reframe your mindset. 

I firmly believe that reframing your mindset is really about the journey of Self-Development. Would you agree?

We all could use a good challenge every once in a while. Much like optimism. Do you consider yourself optimistic? If some of your friends or associates described your personality, what would they say? 

You can learn to alter the perceived value and meaningfulness of any situation, assimilate it, accept it, and recover from it. Sometimes we are so busy with our daily routines and lives that we don't realize how we have programmed ourselves like robots.

We do things a certain way; we think a certain way and approach situations differently. Right? It is up to you on how to approach it and solve the issue with any given situation. It's also up to you to grow from it and use it as a lesson to conquer. We often misread a situation as adversity or setback but is it really? The problem here is that we tend to judge situations and dramatize it based on the immediate impact, but, as life repeatedly teaches us, an action's consequences can be quite different from what we initially observe. 

Self-development is when you start to work on your weaknesses and then improve on your strength. You begin to train yourself to become a better person - both in processing internal thoughts and applying them. This is the stage where you start to read books, do exercise, meditate, and even use the principles of sitting still and being silent to actualize self-mastery.

Self-Development encompasses training your mind, soul, and body to get the most out of your spiritual, mental, and even physical self. Reframing your thoughts, actions, and words can cause a significant change in your life.

The journey of self-development and self-mastery begins with understanding oneself; you should know who you are and what you are capable of. So, you can understand your strength and then build upon it. You can know your weaknesses yet fail to work on it. So, the next stage that you have to consider is self-development.

  • Reframing Your Mindset

  • Self-Development

  • Self-Mastery

Over time you will tend to get better and reap the benefits that come with it. Tips that we can apply to get the peak performance with Self-mastery

  • Accept your resistance to change.

  • Build a compelling vision

  • Become used to building long term practices

  • Get ready to backslide

  • Let moderation be your principle.

  • Break down your big goals

  • Get your physical energy on track.

Human beings are one of the unique creatures in the world. We can intuitively capture surroundings and transform that thought into a spectacular result that amazes others, including yourself. All the answers we need are right there at the edge of our thoughts.

 This is why reframing the mindset- being open to different perspectives, ideas, and enjoying the journey of self -development, and self-mastery is essential.

It's essential to think about every possible thought and perspective standing in your way to turning things around in your life. When we are faced with adversity, we cannot think straight, maybe because we are stressed, upset, or our vision and thoughts are just clouded at the moment. In silence, take your time and learn what beliefs make you the most efficient and, most importantly, bring out the best in you.

Some of us believe that our most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective creates a vital interest in learning and a resilience that is essential for significant accomplishments. 

Others believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence, talent, or skill set, are fixed traits from within. Some may also think that their talent alone creates success automatically without effort. Instead of developing their talents, they spend their lives and precious time documenting and proving themselves. Is this you? 

Regardless this is not a trick question by any means. I am simply asking these questions basically for food for thought. To get better results or different results altogether, we must first be open to thinking differently, being a bit more optimistic about dealing with situations, and problem-solving. The stories we tell ourselves and the things we believe about ourselves can either prevent change from happening or allow new ideas to come forth. Reframing your mindset is key. To get different results, we must first try something different.

Here's the challenge: write down the top five things that are challenging you at the moment—something that is hovering over you, something that you feel that you are at odds with. You are trying to push through, but you feel as though there is no way out. What is it? After writing those five things down, beside each one, write down how to solve the problem three ways. Now, of course, you will naturally write something down on how you typically solve problems, but I am challenging you to solve these problems and challenges another way. Think outside the box and reframe your mindset.

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