The 5 Hidden Things that Separate Dreamers from Doers


5 Hidden Things that Separate Dreamers from Doers

5 Hidden Things that Separate Dreamers from Doers

Article by Nikka Karli Salifu
Photo Credit: Hailley Howard
Magazine: Issue #29

Have you ever defined yourself as a dreamer? Maybe you love using the hashtag #dreamchaser in conjunction with things like #bosslady and #goaldigger? Perhaps you’ve secretly started to wonder why you can’t seem to create the success in your business and life that you oh-so-desperately desire.
I get it. Really, I do. Up until recently, I was living in the same dreamland. I was living the life of a Dreamer rather than a Doer. And you might be, too.

Want to know if you need to overhaul your mindset (and your hashtag game)? Read on for 5 shifts that just might change your life…

1 :: Dreamers spend their time dreaming. Doers spend their time doing.
Dreaming is awesome, but if you ever want to turn your dreams into reality you’re going to need to start taking action. Keeping your head in the clouds means your dreams have no roots, no foundation… Which means no progress.

Action begets more action. And action is what it takes to go from leaving a legacy of “she was such a dreamer” to “she helped change the world”. Which legacy do you want to be known for? And what are you willing to do about it? (Like, right now.)

2 :: Dreamers are always “waiting”. Doers are always moving.
If you spend your life in a holding pattern, you will never get anywhere. Your dreams will turn to dust and wither away within your soul as unrealized flights of fancy.

There is no “great moment” that needs to happen before you can act. Neither is there some magical being of light coming to tell you to that now is the time to move forward.

Hire coaches, work with healers, do your spiritual work. But, don’t wait for someone else to make your dreams happen. They are YOUR DREAMS and you alone can create the momentum necessary to bring them to fruition.

3 :: Dreamers take 1 step forward and 3 steps backward. Doers consistently move forward.
Dreamers like to dip their toes in the water. They like to see if something might work out. They like to “try”.

Doers get things done. Doers make a decision and commit to its outcome (whether or not it is the outcome they expected). The difference here is consistency. When you “try” something out and then stop (guilty, party of 1 over here!), you are actually taking your progress and tearing it to shreds. Any traction you’ve gained? You lose it (and then some) when you give up and start backpedaling into your doubts and fear of success.  

Doers go all in. What about you? Ask yourself when you last decided on a course of action in your life and business and saw it all the way through. Go ahead. We’ll wait… NOT!!!! Because Doers don’t waste their time waiting! (You might need to go back and re-read #2 again if you really thought we were going to wait. Just sayin’…)

4 :: Dreamers think they need perfection. Doers live in the space of imperfect action.
Oh, the sticky mire of perfectionism. Ever been there? This is one of the most crippling beliefs for anyone who has big dreams. The need to have everything be perfect before taking action is just another tricky form of Resistance (need a review on Resistance? Head over here and soak up some wicked knowledge).

If you always need things to be perfect before you act, you will be waiting forever.
Can your dreams wait forever? Didn’t think so.

5 :: Dreamers allow themselves to be sidelined by failure. Doers understand that failure is a necessary for success.
Ah… Failure. It has taken out many a would-be visionary and relegated them to annals of mediocrity time and time again.

If you want to be different- if you ever want to become extraordinary- you must accept failure. Embrace failure. Seek out failure. Because failure means you are taking action. It means you are being consistent and going all in on your dreams. It means that you are truly alive.

You must not stay hidden in the shadows of life for fear of what will happen when you step into the light. For fear of someone seeing you for who you truly are.
Remember, failure does not mean you have failed forever. Unless you succumb to that instance of failure. Unless you refuse to get back up again.

The finest visionaries, minds, and artists have seen more failure than most people could ever imagine. And, they asked for it. They craved it. Because they knew it meant that they were putting themselves out there, in all their glory and imperfection. They knew that massive amounts of failure are required to reach greatness. And they wanted to be great more than they feared temporary failures.

So, you must ask yourself which you fear most. Failure? Or dying with your dreams unrealized inside of you? If you answered the latter, it is time for you to become something you may have never been before. Something scary. Vulnerable. Awe-inspiring.

It is time, Love, for you to become a Doer.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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Putting Your Plans Into Action in 3 Steps!

Putting Your Plans Into Action in 3 Steps!

Putting Your Plans Into Action in 3 Steps!


Article by Darlene Dunn
Photo Credit: Hailley Howard
Magazine: Issue #29

You have been in ‘planning’ mode for what seems like forever. You are ready- ready to move. So what do you do----you ROCK-it!!!

Realize it is up to you :: Take that step of faith. Put the foot on the gas and engage. You have your ideas, your plan, you have everything you need, just flip the switch! Find an accountability partner to help you keep moving.

Open your computer :: If you are not fully engaged on Google +, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Facebook- now is the time to spruce up your profile and start building excitement  over your brand! Need some help, check out some awesome courses that are offered at Check out- “How to use Pinterest to get in front of a 6-figure audience.

Count your blessings :: And then count your money!! Stay positive and stay engaged and the money will come.

Keep your vision in front of you, adjust as necessary but stay excited and stay moving. It is a-ok to make a mistake, most successful business owners have made and learned from more than a few. 

Go ahead, you have it in you. Stop sitting there wondering if now is time, stop sitting there thinking –‘I need to get it just right’. Stop sitting and ROCK-it!!!!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Astral Business Tools, a Gift for the Taking


Astral Business Tools

Astral Business Tools

Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Hailley Howard
Magazine: Issue #29

I have been on a spiritual journey for many years since becoming an entrepreneur. One statement that I’ve found to be true is “Religion is for those who believe in hell, spirituality is for those who have already been through hell”. We all understand in the beginning process of building a business or brand (or at least we think that we do), those moments when planning and executing consumes us with an overwhelming amount of decisions. We as business owners make final decisions based on a plethora ideals that originate from experience, coaching, facts, science, and advice. As we use our arsenal of tools for decision making, we sometimes forget how many other tools are available to us that are gifts free for the taking.

Astral events including moon phases may be something to pay attention to when making decisions especially as an entrepreneur. Something so simple and yet so powerful, the moon has the ability to cause oceans to rise and lower. With that said, the full moon can also affect our decision making just ask Police, doctors, nurses or anyone that works in an emergency room during a full moon. As entrepreneurs we have an extra tool to use if we watch these astral events and use them to our benefit.

There are a couple of astral events that I utilize on a regular basis. At this point in our lives we are all aware of manifestation, yes it works! But we can also manifest and bring it to a higher momentum by following the moon’s phases. The moon phases include new, waxing, full and waning.

1| Plan large projects during a new moon.
2| Manifest events that you want to happen or add to your business during a waxing moon.
3| Celebrate all positive efforts that have be created in your business during the full moon.
4| Manifest events that you want to remove form your business during the waning moon.

Never discount any new ideas to your decision making efforts. By realizing there are forces so much older and larger than ourselves we can achieve better results as entrepreneurs from a higher spiritual perspective. 

Many people speak of Mercury retrograde with despair. Although this is a time of a slowdown and caution we should not worry about not making decisions during this event that occurs four times a year. We should most likely make precise decisions, checking every detail prior to committing to the final one.

1| Accept that Mercury retrograde is a time to slow down, do not stop making decisions make conscious ones.
2| Realize that this is also a good time to slow down yourself and review all events in your business. Double check each event in detail.
3| Do not fear this event make it work for your needs.

Astral events are gifts and they are free, just understand how to utilize and embrace them, these are tools that can bring you to a higher level of your business.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Knowledge is Power. So's Sharing it.

Knowledge is Power. So's Sharing it.

Knowledge is Power. So's Sharing it.


Article by Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28

Knowledge is power. Well, that’s what Sir Francis Bacon first said, then many many others after him in one way or another. Then we all assumed that if one KNOWS something, extra-special, super powers are bestowed upon us. This, of course, also assumes a few things, that our knowledge is:

1. a vast amount of information
2. exclusive and specialized, unlike another’s
3. recalled swiftly and on demand
4. providing deep enlightenment
5. not only guaranteeing the extra-special, super powers but in perpetuity

Problem is this is also assumes that knowledge is wisdom when, without application, it’s just data, statistics, etc. So use it or lose it. Share it. THIS is part of being a compassionate member of a community, and it’s wise. True wisdom is the act of sharing the information you got. Therein lies the empowerment. 

So what’s the reason not to? No good one but the very real one is insecurity. We fear not being as expert as we perceive in our own head.

The Chopin preludes we play at home sound pretty darn good and skilled. Then we meet that person who can play anything by ear. [Insert Sound Effect: sad trombone] 

Question is asked of us, “How do you prune roses?,” and while we can garden like Mother Nature herself, we suffer a sort of stage fright as the librarian for the Gardening Dept. in our head can’t get to the filing cabinet fast enough. [Insert Sound Effect:  crazy run-slip-crash] 

Maybe it’s difficult for to explain step by steps and dry hows in an interesting, energized way. [Insert Homer Simpson loop: Youreboringeveryonequitboringeveryone] 


Perhaps we’re too attached to our title of Expert to share an iota of what we know because, well, then everyone will know and it/we won’t seem as precious. On the flip side, we might feel like only the real experts (Nobel Laureates, Golden Globe winners, published author agents) are listened to so why bother?

Yes, it can be awfully scary and risky to share this stuff but …


This is the true super power bestowed upon us. The dynamic of sharing. You and another. You and the class, workshop or the people who read your blog. The discussions. The questions. The comments that make you think. The answers that aren’t quite being grasped and need further extrapolation. The person who asks WHY in such a way we really need to deviate from rote explanation and challenge ourselves. New seeds are planted and from them grow further curiosity and passion. Doesn’t matter if it’s native “intelligence” or laboriously acquired with years of study; to not share what we know or what we’ve learned it is wasted arsenal. Henry Miller said something interesting about books, which also holds true for the information we can share with others: “When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on, you are enriched threefold.”

So whether it’s treating laundry stains, speaking a foreign language, splitting atoms or dancing swing, the dynamic of sharing (teaching, helping, healing) is the glue. It, not the information we amass, is why we’re here.  Sharing it is the power, wise one.

“It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.”  — Snoop Dogg

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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What To Do When Everything Seems Out Of Control


What To Do When Everything Seems Out Of Control

What To Do When Everything Seems Out Of Control

Article by Ling Wong
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28

Have you ever felt like everything is spinning out of control and you are so overwhelmed that you have NO idea what to do?

The solution is not to do more, or to run yourself to the ground.

The first thing is to assume personal responsibility that we CAN take back control. When we feel like everything is out of control, we are relinquishing our personal power to external circumstances and taking on a victim mentality.

I don’t mean being a control freak – trying to control circumstances we cannot control adds a lot of undue stress, and further confirm that we are not in control! But we can decide how we perceive a situation and hence change how we react.

By surrendering, we often open up possibilities that we are unable to see because we are fixated on one specific outcome. There is a fine line between being empowered in a situation and letting go. For me, it always helps to stop, be still and listen.


After stopping and being still, the next thing is to exercise discernment and discipline. When we exercise discernment, we go back to understanding what’s important for us and get clear on the outcome we want

Then we can strip away things that don’t contribute to that end. More often than not, you will find that a lot of things just don’t matter, and you can stop doing them!

You also need discipline because it’s one thing to identify what can be stripped away, it’s another thing to really do it. We may be afraid that we are not good enough to make that judgment or let go of whatever we need to let go of. We may be afraid that if we don’t do certain things for other people, we will be considered not worthy. We may be afraid that if we don’t perform certain task a certain way, we will get criticized or judged. We may be afraid of missing out if we don’t do certain things.

We have to be able to see through our fears, and have the discipline to take the actions that will lead to the desired outcome.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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3 Success Strategies to Get Over Failure

3 Success Strategies to Get Over Failure

3 Success Strategies to Get Over Failure


Article by Marinna Rose
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28

Have you ever had a dream that you took massive action to attain and it did not happen? This has happened to me more times than I can remember, but the part that I remember most is the Aftermath!

We have a tendency to only be able to wrap our minds around more realistic goals and dreams. What we forget is that Universal Intelligence knows exactly what is for our highest best, and usually this is way beyond what our minds can fathom. 

So when you take massive action towards your goal and it does not happen, know in that moment that the Universe is interfering on purpose. It is really saying to you that you can achieve higher, so don’t settle.

Even though in that moment we cannot imagine something better, or think of a reason for why it did not come to fruition. We feel deflated, depressed; frustrated…to us it’s our goal and so not just settling!

Sometimes we need to simply “Sit tight, trust and allow.” Yes, this is the guidance I was downloaded the other day on my walk. These 3 steps reminded me of all the times I became the Phoenix rising from the ashes in the aftermath of loosing. I always ended up with something bigger and more perfect than my mind could ever conceive. In that process gained strength and inner power that could never be taken away.

Success Strategy  #1 - Sit Tight

Of course we are talking about after you have taken massive action. Sit tight does not mean give up or do nothing. It means don’t over analyze, don’t be deflated, and don’t let frustration get the best of you.

It is imperative that you keep your vibration and frequency as high as you can through this process. It needs to be in the resonance as if you are just about to attain that goal. If not you will start to repel the bigger goal that the Universe had in mind for you in the first place! 

We don’t want you to repel what is meant for you. So remember when you are licking your wounds that the longer you stay here, the longer and further your dream will be to come to you.


Success Strategy #2 - Trust

You must be able to trust the process. Don’t hold onto the goal so tight that you suffocate the life right out of it. Or allow your emotions to get the best of you ruling the situation, holding on for dare life thinking this is your only option or opportunity.

This is your ego speaking to you, telling you this is your last chance. Not true, it could not be farther from the truth. 

You must be in awareness enough to recognize when to walk away. Let’s just say when your health becomes at risk that is a sure sign!

Trust that the Universe has your back at and is supporting you at all times. Trust that you gave it everything you had to get there and that was the very best that you could do.  

In this trust the frustration fades into the past, there is no more need to analyze, you simply fall into the knowing that everything is in perfect divine order for your highest and best life to unfold.

Success Strategy #2 -Allow

Allowing the whole process to flow through you from beginning to end is the key! Allow the frustration to come, but usher it out through your body just as fast as it showed up. Keep it moving. Go for a run, walk anything you can do that releases it. While you are releasing this energy feel yourself replacing it with hopeful excited energy again, trusting that it is just around the corner.

By being in a state of allowing you are not being dormant, you are staying balanced with your emotions and being aware of the next opportunity.

So important to keep your awareness In doing this you will be welcoming the new opportunity allowing it into your life with open arms!

In every loss there is a winner. For everything has it’s ying and yang, negative and positive. You become successful in everything when you master the art of success in the aftermath of loosing.

Now that you have mastered the art of success in the aftermath of loosing, be prepared to take massive action again. This time around you’ll have this priceless life experience, knowledge and inner strength that guides you fearlessly.

Remember, don’t be defeated just “Sit Tight, Trust and Allow.”  

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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The Wisdom Equation: Applied Knowledge + Common Sense



Article By: Darlene Dunn
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28

We have all had to deal with that customer, coach or consultant that had knowledge from a book but was clueless on how to implement it or help you implement it. We have all also had to deal with those who we just had to ‘smack our head’ and wonder how they made it to whatever age they were. If we are honest with ourselves, we too have also been the people in the above statement. So, how do we grow so we are not that person anymore?

The first step is to convert your knowledge into applied knowledge. Have you attended a seminar or read a book and thought that the information was great but that was as far as you got? You just wasted your time and money- knowledge is useless if you don’t apply it. My challenge to you is to choose 1-2 items that you learned from your last seminar and apply them in your life and business….not tomorrow or the next day, but NOW. Once you integrate those choices, pick some other things you learned and continue this process to expand your applied knowledge base. If you do not do this, then all the money you spent on seminars, trainings and books is not an investment, it is a waste.   Don’t fret, you can turn that knowledge into something valuable by starting to think differently and apply what you learned.

The second step is common sense. You may think if you aren’t born with it, you don’t have it! That is a lie! In today’s day world most follow the crowd, in other words, there are a ton of sheeple out there! Don’t despair, you can learn common sense- it is otherwise known as thinking for yourself and critical thinking. There are resources to help you learn how to use critical thinking- books and you tube videos are easily accessible. Take some time to gain the knowledge- and then APPLY IT!!!  The next time someone takes a stance on something- don’t automatically agree- ask questions, do research and form your very own opinion. I know, novel idea, right? The world needs more independent thinkers that aren’t afraid to apply what they have learned.

Once you begin this process, you will be amazed that people will want to know how you became so smart and wise. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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