The Power of the Individual in Times of Global Change


Article by Michael Alexander Arnold

The Power of the Individual in Times of Global Change

The Power of the Individual in Times of Global Change

"When an individual moves beyond its small self, when a nation moves beyond its small self, when an entire planet moves beyond its small self, then there is a phase of chaos. For the old aspects will try to preserve the old, while the new is seeking to be born." (Paul Selig)  

We live in times of extraordinary planetary change. Many people feel a deep longing within themselves to contribute to the birth of a more humanitarian world. And yet, often the question arises: what can I do as an individual in light of these challenges?

For the first time in history, humanity is challenged with one global crisis. Even world war one and two were concentrated on specific countries, offering their soil for a collective learning experience. Now is the first time that the entire planet is affected by the very same issue.

In this process, many people are confronted with their deepest fears. Things that we've silently accepted or ignored are coming up now. Some people are triggered by the fear of death by a virus. Others are triggered by the fear of losing their freedom and their civil rights due to institutional restrictions.

Modern science and mystics throughout all times and cultures come to the same conclusion: Consciousness shapes matter, consciousness creates reality. Jesus said: "When two become one under one roof, you can say to the mountain move and the mountain moves." In other words, when intention and our full emotional spectrum merge in a coherent way, we create reality. Individually and collectively.

Before we can move to the next step in our collective evolution, we have to face what drags us down and no longer suits us. The collective karma of the entire planet is triggered right now. It wants to heal. We can't run away any longer from the shadows we've been hiding somewhere deep down in our collective and individual consciousness. The blanket is being pulled back. We can see now what was hidden.

The world is not getting crazy. It's waking up.

The question in this challenging time is: "What can I do as an individual, alone, maybe even locked down somewhere?” Surprisingly, it is precisely this scenario offering us an unprecedented chance. A chance to stop doing what we have always been doing: Re-Creating a scenario of “us against them”, a scenario of external re-action. This time we are "forced" to go within to generate change.

Paul Selig writes in his beautiful book “Alchemy”: “What we damn damns us. What we put into darkness calls us into darkness.” In other words, every action based on an old consciousness of separation creates more opposition and division.

So, what is the solution instead? As the outer world reflects the inner world, the solution is to remove all aspects of separation within ourselves. As Paul Selig writes, there is a powerful tool to do so: It is to bless. To truly bless means to see the Divine in everything - especially in situations or persons triggering us, for we perceive them as a threat to our life or our freedom.

The Divine is that loving intelligence, that intelligent love in everything. It's that one force that moves planets, makes trees grow, and creates babies out of merely nothing. To bless is to remember and see the Divine in everything, especially in darker places where it has been forgotten or absent.

We can start by blessing ourselves and our own darkest aspects within us. Maybe it's our ignored victimhood, our karmic despotic past, or our suppressed wish to not be on this planet. Then we can continue on the outside world. Our biggest trigger is our biggest teacher. Let's bless these external triggers, be it people, situations, governments, viruses, etc.. Let's do it, really feeling it. Let's bless it until our blessings reach the core.

Whatever it may be, by blessing it, we move through the illusion of separation and remember the Divine in it. And by doing so, we shift from separation to unity, from lovelessness to love, and from dis-order to harmonious cosmic order. Within ourselves, and, thus, around us.

We have the power as an individual to change the world by changing ourselves from within. All external circumstances are a reflection of our inner world.

By the act of blessing, we allow ourselves and others to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. In this state of consciousness, true healing happens and new solutions occur.

So, let's look at what terrifies us. Let's look at what we damn - and let's bless it.

Individual by individual, family by family, nation by nation - until the critical mass is reached and collective consciousness changes again. We claim our true human nature by doing it and create a world we truly want to live in.

May the universe bless you with its courage and love.

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