What is Energy Healing? Reiki Therapy


Article by Julia Martinez

What is Energy Healing? Reiki Therapy


For how long have we been just focused in being productive, making money, finding stability? Not that long ago there was a fitness boom and we started taking more care of our physical bodies. Now the focus goes finally back to the mind and the spirit as well. The holistic approach is every time more popular. Traditional western health has been focused for too long in healing only the physical body and psychologists have been focused on only healing the mind, but are they not interconnected? We are a whole being, we are consciousness, we are thoughts and emotions that constantly affect our physical functioning and traditional Chinese medicine and other traditions have always known this.


Let’s talk about our energy. Energy is everywhere. It flows through every living thing, and everything made from earth elements vibrate with it. This energy charge that exists in each of our atoms and that makes possible the functioning of our cells is the same universal life force for all. There is just one energy, but the frequency in which this energy vibrates makes it appear in different forms to our eyes.

Specifically, the energy can be found in the electron orbitals of the atoms, held in place by the electromagnetic force. Negatively charged electrons orbit a positively charged nucleus, and depending on how much energy they possess, they are found in different orbital levels.

We know so much about the physical body, but what about the subtle body? Scientific research has recently caught up with ancient teachings concerning the Aura or auric field and have found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet (in an average healthy body) and appears to be depleted in cases of unhealthy person.  A person is healthy in terms of physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional well-being as well as highly positive spiritual energies. So, a person who is balanced at all these levels has a wider and brighter aura and vice versa in the case of an unbalanced person.

This energy from the earth connects and entangles with the energy in the universe. We are designed to absorb and feed ourselves with these cosmic universal energies, but we must overcome our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual limitations – we must peel off the layers of the self. Working through the different levels of consciousness of existence, we open the channels to receive these high-vibrational energies.

The levels of consciousness have been described by many civilizations since ancient times but to give you a more modern view, one of the most popular theories of consciousness was proposed by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who described three different levels: the unconscious (id) or instinctual facet, the preconscious (ego) or rational facet, and the conscious (superego) or moral facet.



Energy healing is the skill of channelling and harnessing high vibrational energy to restore your own or other people’s energetic balance. This can be done using and moving around the high energies of your own body or channelling the ones from the universe. This allows to heighten the frequencies of our energy and release any energy blockages that are obstructing the right flow of our life force energy. There are so many different techniques for it including meditation, breathwork or bioenergetic and visualisation techniques. Other more advanced techniques include Qigong, Pranic healing, Tantric Healing and one of the most popular and practised in the world, Reiki, that is what I do.

The Reiki therapy involves the channelling of Universal life force energy through the crown of the practitioner to be given to oneself or another person through its hands. To be able to channel this energy you are required to go through an attunement process, which helps you getting back that skill that we all possess already but that has been blocked by the lack of spiritual connection. In a Reiki session the practitioner will place the hands on or above the body of the receiver, in the 7 main energy centres or chakras and other important points of energy in the body. It can be done face to face or remotely, as energy is beyond time and space and can be sent anywhere in the world or anywhere in time, meaning that you can send healing to past and future events as well.

The interaction between two human magnetic fields may explain the effects of it. Quantum physics — the study of how small particles behave in an attempt to explain the interactions of energy and physical matter — may also help explain how Reiki practice works. Physicists have found that these tiny particles of energy can be in more than one place at one time, and that thought, or intention seem to change how the particles work. This could explain how a Reiki practitioner is able to gather and direct energy to the recipient through thoughts and intentions.

The main benefit of Reiki is the relaxation and peace that it provides to the body, mind, and soul. On that meditative state the body recovers their own self-healing skills that might have been lost due to be living in a continuous fight-flight mode.

That makes Reiki particularly beneficial for dealing with stress and anxiety but also to help you overcome any kind of emotional or physical issue. It sooths pain and helps the immune and nervous systems to regulate. It makes you feel more connected to your real self, clearing out any stagnant energy that is hindering this one from flourishing. This stagnant energy is normally formed by trauma and emotions we do not allow ourselves to process properly so they get stuck in the body causing us physical problems. In fact, most of us still carry blockages from experiences in our childhood that affect our energy centres, influencing the way we interact with the world and with ourselves.

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