Tools for Empaths: Are You a Vacuum Cleaner of Emotional Baggage?


Article by Tricia Dycka

Tools for Empaths: Are You a Vacuum Cleaner of Emotional Baggage?

Tools for Empaths: Are You a Vacuum Cleaner of Emotional Baggage?

Are you an empath or as I like to say a cleaner of the universe?

Do you feel others emotions?

Do you feel their physical pain which lands in your body or hear their voices in your head?

Empaths will take all of this on as theirs, until they understand their own energy.

It can feel like one minute you could be on top of the world then fall flat on your face in hysterics for no reason at all. It leaves you questioning your own sanity.

You feel as though someone just flipped a light switch inside of you. The world is overwhelming and to add insult to injury your monkey mind chatter has completely taken over and is creating stories to make sense of emotions that you are randomly feeling.

How many times do you get angry over something that would normally never affect you or think in your mind, thoughts that would normally not catch your attention?

But the question remains DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?

We are born empaths. And 10 years ago, my gifts decided to grow tremendously, like 350% over night. Not a little, they were supercharged.  All the years of trying to hide the emotions I was feeling and overwhelm came rushing to the forefront.  The top on the pressure cooker blew off.

I had reached out to other empaths to see how they are handling the emotional waves, to find out most were not. They hoped to ignore it or try not to be around a lot of people.

For me I was a train wreck, and hiding from the world. I pulled back; I was depressed and the crying was out of control. I was inconsolable. None of it made sense, as it came out of left field and hit me like a speeding bullet.

Out of fear and desperation, I thought the men in white coats were coming for me.


Until one day I looked at myself in the mirror and knew without a shadow of a doubt this person was not me.

I loved life. I loved being around people.

ASKED the universe for help! 

How do I get this to change? It took me a couple of months to start to feel grounded. I still have days where I want to scream DO OVER, like several times during the pandemic!

These are the tools I use daily to help me know what is mine and what is not.

Create a symbol and ASK the universe to show you the symbol whenever the emotions you are feeling are NOT YOURS. Easy peasy. It will take you from a level 10 oh God here we go again down to a 2 saying let’s clear this, it is not mine.

When I know it is not mine, I ASK for it to be removed.

ASK for LIGHTER ENERGY. Why do we assume that it must be heavy, gross sludge that we feel? We are put on this earth to help others, and clear their emotions whether it is a friend, someone we are passing on the street, or the collective let it be lighter and pass through us easily and effortlessly except not at the detriment of ourselves.

The universe has your back and is always there to help you.

The happier we are within the easier emotions will flow through you. You feel them and quickly release them.

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