5 Signs You Are Shifting Into Higher Consciousness


Article by Paola Borrescio

5 Signs You Are Shifting Into Higher Consciousness

5 Signs You Are Shifting Into Higher Consciousness

We feel something different inside of us, a force pulling us higher and we don’t what that is, we don’t how to call it. In this article I am going to talk about how to know you are moving into the fifth dimension.

Before we start, I would like to clarify that you might experience all these signs in different moments, or all together at the same moment or you might experience only a few. It doesn't really matter. We all have a very unique experience when it comes to access to higher dimensions, whatever yours is, is absolutely fine. 

1 :: The first clear sign you are shifting to higher consciousness is so simple but so powerful. You do not recognize your life anymore. All of a sudden, you feel totally out of place, you don’t fit in anymore, like you are living somebody else’s life.

So if you wake up one day questioning your job, your lifestyle, even the place you are living.... no, it is not a midlife crisis, whatever that means and you are not going crazy. Your soul knows what you need better than the human in you. When you awake and ascend, you start seeing yourself differently, you feel a very strong need for change, everything you know is not enough anymore, you want more and you also realize that the answers you are looking for are not in the material plane. 

2 :: The second sign is the basis of any soul-searching work. You become a truth seeker. Your eyes are suddenly wide open and what you see does not make sense to you anymore and so you read, you study, you spend hours searching for the truth behind everything. 

You don't believe in what you hear in the news anymore, you don't judge knowing only one side of the story anymore, you don’t believe in something only because someone said something somewhere, you are not interested in the personal opinion of anybody anymore, you don't care for gossip or drama anymore. You simply know there is a higher reason behind everything and understand that reason is the only thing you are interested in.

3 :: The third sign is what defines you as divine beings. Your purpose and soul mission. When you start shifting into the fifth dimension you realize you are here for so much more than paying the bills, being enslaved in a job you don’t like waiting for retirement to enjoy some freedom. You realize you have a higher calling and you are here to serve it, you realize you are part of something much bigger than the physical plane, that you have a mission to accomplish and a journey of evolution to walk which is not only for you but for the collective as well.

And so you find yourself looking for your life purpose, you feel the need to align to it because that is the only way of living that makes to you now. You find yourself studying different subjects, reinventing yourself, perhaps quitting your job, starting from 0. When you are moving to 5d consciousness you realize you have been given the privilege of having a second chance and you are very motived and committed to fully take this opportunity. You are not willing to compromise yourself and your life anymore.

4 :: You become an observer. Very often we think that having an awakening is about saving other souls and help at all costs, about sacrifice ourselves for others.

The savior syndrome is just a phase and when you understand a little bit more about your journey, you realize you are not here to save anybody, you are not here to rescue, you are not here to interrupt anyone’s learning experience.

You are here to contribute to the evolution of humanity and serve your divine nature the best we can.

And so, we drop judgements, we leave things and people that don't serve us anymore behind, we work on ourselves with objectivity without being dragged up and down by the emotion of the moment. We are present, centered, focus.

5 :: You become more aware of your body and what you put in it. You understand that your body is the vessel you picked to serve you in this lifetime and you start treating it with respect and love.

You start reading the labels of the foods you buy at the supermarket, you change your diet, you become more careful about what kind of chemicals you are ingesting, you start looking into holistic solutions, and so on. 

Bear in mind that there is no rule saying that you should become vegan or vegetarian, that you should stop drinking coffee and alcohol altogether, your body will tell you exactly what it needs to stay healthy and strong, listen to it carefully. Drinking coffee or having crisps from time to time, doesn't make you any less spiritual but when you start shifting, you stop relying on substances or food, to make you happy, you stop treating food as a reward or your best friend, or to calm yourself down. Your relationship with your body becomes a partnership, a beautiful love story and yes, sometimes you can argue and slip but at the end of the day, you will be always grateful for the body you have picked for this life. 

Becoming aware of our spiritual divine nature also means becoming aware of the power and the new value system that comes with it which is completely different from the beliefs we hold as human beings.

Realizing our true nature is a gift that allows us to have an incredible life, to do things we always thought impossible, to develop that natural confidence that comes from wisdom, to create from our heart and change not only our existence but the life of the people around us. 

When we ascend, we expand our consciousness, our mind and our heart become one. We don't think anymore, we are divinely guided by our Higher Self who is directly connected to the Source.

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