Learn to Be Your Own Muse


Article by Jasmine Heald

Learn to Be Your Own Muse

Learn to Be Your Own Muse

Let’s be honest… there are areas of your life where you’re not living up to your limitless, cosmic potential and ultimate destiny. Here is the thing, though, you are not the only one. There are countless souls who KNOW what they want, who have a DREAM of the life and/or business they want to create, and have that deep inner knowing that they are outgrowing the life they are currently living…just like You. So, what is stopping you?

Let’s get raw and real. Shall we?

Every time you say yes when you really want to say no it is crippling your drive and siphoning your energy. Every decision is an energetic exchange.

Every time you dim your light to fit in it is retraumatizing your human and keeping your soul trapped in a cage. Your light is here to change the world.

Every time you put the thoughts and opinions of others before your intuition and Spirit’s signs, synchronicities, and messages for you it is cutting off the pure connection you have beyond the veil, disconnecting you from your body and emotions, and putting you in a perpetual spiral of people pleasing. Your power center holds the keys and the compass to your destiny.

Every time you listen to fear it is an energetic and conscious decision to let illusions become your reality. Fear is nothing more than smoke and mirrors trying to deceive you from your truth.

Every time you compare your self to another being it is causing your mind to keep running the same subconscious programming of limiting beliefs, toxic patterns, self-sabotage, and feelings of unworthiness. Own your magic.

Every time you censor yourself it is taking your power away as well as the power of the collective. Being bold is your in core essence.

Every time you water down your message it is de-magnetizing your audience to you and your cosmic gifts. We want the REAL you.

Every time you make dormant moves it is sending a signal out to the Universe that you do not want/that you are not ready for anything more than you have right now. Playing small is not in your soul path description.

What got you HERE, will not get you THERE.

You know…THERE. That place you dream about, that dream version of yourself, that dream business, or any of those other dreams that keep you up at night.

Point. Blank. Period.

Saying no is a GIFT.

Shining your light is a GIFT.

Listening to your Intuition and spirit is a GIFT.

Being fearless is a GIFT.

Being authentic is a GIFT.

Saying exactly what you are thinking and/or feeling is a GIFT.

Sharing your bold message in business is a GIFT.

Making big, bold leaps of faith, surrender, and trust is a GIFT.

You were born to shine bright.

You were born to rock the boat.

You were born to make massive moves.

You were born to tell fear the F* off.

You were born to stand out.

You were born to say all the damn things.

You were born to make people uncomfortable so they can grow.

You were born to move in alignment.

As a cosmic being, you are here on Earth to pour your heart out.

You are here to allow your ebbs to guide you deeper.

You are here to let your flow take you straight into those portals that lay within you.

Your life is your art.

Your remembrance is your life’s work.

Your destiny is in your becoming.


Do the thing. Say the thing. Post the thing.

STOP HIDING. You are only hurting yourself.

Your audience needs you.

Spirit needs you.

You need you.


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