How to Create Content that is Aligned with Your Purpose


Article by Yetunde Shorters

How to Create Content that is Aligned with Your Purpose

How to Create Content that is Aligned with Your Purpose

Hey light-worker are you ready to confidently create content that is attractive, top quality and is aligned with your purpose, content you can use on any platform?

I have to share first that this method, came to me after a deep meditation. And this experience further clarified the power of staying connected to spirit. The download was clear and precise.

So you’re out here in your building stage, or you’re a pro in your field, full of valuable content and you want to share it with those you know who would value it. But when you sit down to finally plan out your content, *crickets* — maybe you need coffee, or tea, or a few Youtube videos to inspire you (hello rabbit hole, here we go). Three hours later, you’re pissed that you wasted time.

This is not how you imagined this day going. You’re no longer motivated, but you still want to share the good stuff you know.  I’m here to help you develop content that feels easy, natural and intuitive.— content that is aligned with your souls calling.

Welcome to the century of massive content creation where standing out is now the new challenge. Like developing CREATIVE content, CONSISTENTLY isn’t hard enough, content ideas for today’s digital age is available almost everywhere.

The question is how do you create content that people would love, respect you for and gladly pay you for. Fasten your seatbelt, because this method will show you how to create content that converts and is highly engaging, with your expert knowledge in the spotlight.

There are 4 key content you need to create content that is aligned with your purpose.

1. Thought Leadership Content: Is about identifying what it is that your industry does that you FUNDAMENTALLY disagree with.

When you identify and develop persuasive ways of thinking that others apply to their lives, you become a thought leader. That is a quote my husband came up with. The most important piece of positioning yourself as a thought leader with your purpose, is drawing your line in the sand and clearly state your position on it. This sets you up as a thought leader.

You can proudly say,  "This is why I fundamentally disagree with my industry! And this is what I offer that is better.

2. What to do Content: What to do content is the simplest. It’s your expertise on display. It is what you’re probably already doing. An example of what to do content is that I am sharing right here. What to do content is an opportunity to let those you serve know your expertise. It’s also a great way to grow your list.

This content builds respect and trust that you can help them. Keep in mind you’re not sharing the how. You’re sharing the WHAT. E.g. What do you need to launch a website? A domain, hosting, a website designer, content to put on the website etc.

3. Ideal Identity Connection content: This content is about building and maintaining a connection/relationship with those you serve. You have to connect with them—personally and professionally. Connecting with your customer as a mother, father, entrepreneur, cancer survivor, fashionista, football fan, marvel movies geek, makeup lover e.t.c

You have to connect to them with a common identity. It makes you relatable, deeply and intimately. They feel like they know you. You should share content that taps into the joys, challenges and intricacies of that identity.

4. Quick Help Content: And finally, the quick help content is about proving to those you serve, as quickly as possible that you can get them from Point A to B. A simple way to convert them to paying customers is by helping them have quick wins with your content. Share or teach something they can immediately apply and get results. Consider this a how to that doesn’t take you too much time or cost you anything significant. E.g- You learning about the TWIQ Method and immediately applying it.

You can add the other stuff your products, services, courses etc on your calendar when planning content, but these 4 however, build trust in your expertise, a genuine connection and respect for how you show up.

The how is where you get paid. Once you’re established where you stand so they know if they are with you, then you show them that you do know what you’re talking about with what to do content, then you go deeper and connect personally to build trust and you finally give them small wins, you’re in. Consistency in all of these content sets you up for purposeful living through your content.

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