The Key to a Harmonious Life: Conscious Relationships


Article by Samantha Sierra

The Key to a Harmonious Life: Conscious Relationships

The Key to a Harmonious Life: Conscious Relationships

We’ve all experienced feeling “off balance” when it comes to important areas in life, specifically in the relationships we have created.

The experience may look like any of the following:

  • an energy draining co-worker, friend, family member or romantic partner totally unconscious to their toxic behaviors

  • experiencing lack in personal worth, confidence, love, and care triggering self-sabotaging behaviors- including unconscious eating, spending and addictive habits

  • feeling disengaged and unhappy at work

  • disconnected from nature, spiritual practices, and a nurturing environment

Growing up, we were taught that food is the only aspect of a “diet” to focus on. Well, our diets are actually so much more than what we eat!

It is also the people we surround ourselves with, our jobs, the media, music and the entertainment we consume. These all play a huge role in our subconscious programming. This programming is the beginning creations of our manifested reality.

So, how do you find your center when your energetic essence is being imprinted with chaos?

Begin to find your energetic alignment within a Conscious Life Design, know what you want from life and have the courage to say “NO” to anything that does not look like it!

To develop a conscious relationship is to create an authentic connection with an aspect of life that you are relating to. It is founded with decisive purpose and intention of how you want to feel within those relationships. Designing each will require clarity and your alignment to the vision you hold by your active choices.

Discover your balance and harmony by grounding into the following Vibrant Conscious Relationship Values:

Engaging in Reciprocal Relationships with


The relationship we have created with ourselves will, in most cases, mirror the type of relationship our primary caretakers had with themselves. This mirror will also reflect within our food and financial belief patterns.

Take a moment to be the observer of your thoughts, rhythmic patterns and reasons driving daily choices. Are they authentically yours or what you saw growing up?

Set yourself free to create new ways to meet core authentic needs that fuel a thriving conscious relationship with yourself.

While we all deeply crave for our parents to have met every need we had, they did their best. Only we know what is going on within our body, mind, heart and soul. Forgive them to energetically clear a path for your needs to be met genuinely now and forever more.

When you discover how to fuel and fill your own cup, the energy will begin to overflow into your other relationships. Manage your energy, frequency, and vibration in this lifetime and you will travel far .


“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou

Tend to the garden of your relationships and weed out those that do not resonate with your core being. Most importantly, create healthy boundaries when others do not match your conscious life design + future!

When your cup begins to overflow, you are becoming one with your authentic energetic essence. People will feel this and notice you stand out from “the rest.” Boundaries are blessings and your energy is sacred and worthy of upholding standards.

Stay aware and present to those who are taking notice and complimenting your energetic essence.

While engaging and encountering new experiences with those in your life, ask yourself the following questions while keeping note of how things feel and flow:

  • what have you noticed about the energetic essence of the individuals in your life?

  • what is it they are seeking when they reach out to engage with you?

New Earth

We each hold a piece of the puzzle to manifesting the vision of New Earth into reality. To get there requires a shift of focus and flow towards the daily maintenance and care to the most optimal timeline reality. Within this we can create Heaven on Earth.

To get there requires a shift in your energy field, frequency and vibration. As they say, if you want to change the world, it begins with yourself!

Focus and flow your thoughts, behaviors, patterns and attached attitudes into seeds of inspiration. Plant, water, care for and lovingly grow a life that is also nourishing to New Earth.

What does Heaven on Earth feel like to you? How can you anchor into this frequency daily?

Career + Souls’ Purpose Alignment

This all begins with vision and turning within. We all have an intuitive GPS system that provides micro-movement nudges into the direction of fulfilling work that fuels souls’ purpose. The best part is it also abundantly supportive in your financial goals.

Begin to feel into what is in alignment with your current work. What feels good and what needs to go? Begin your action plan to move towards work that feels energetically fueling to you, your future and New Earth.

Fulfilling + Nurturing Spiritual Practices

“What is the problem with the world today? The connection with spirit has been severed.”

This aspect will look vastly different for everyone. One way that will surely reignite your connection with Spirit is to get out in nature. Create time within your day to consciously connect with Mother Gaia.

Ground your bare feet into earth, deeply breathe in fresh air and move your body. Allow your energy field to expand! 

Embody the truths and ancient wisdom that come to you during your time with her, claim your power and as the Oracle in The Matrix says, “you’ll feel right as rain.”

The balanced life you are seeking will require you to observe, analyze and shift relationship patterns that are keeping your reality in a disharmonious state.

You are in this world, not of it. Step up to the plate when it comes holding true to your life’s vision. Take the required action needed to manifest all your healed hearts desires. It is what you came here to awaken to and experience after all.

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