3 Ways Your True Friends Fuel Your Purpose

3 Ways Your True Friends Fuel Your Purpose

3 Ways Your True Friends Fuel Your Purpose


Article by Nicole Zaagman
Photo Credit: Brigette Muller
Magazine: Issue #21

Ever met someone who inspired you?  Like a matchstick being lit, at first glance or conversation they stirred something deep inside and left you wanting more.

Divine attraction is not by chance.

We’re all destined to meet special individuals who leave a lasting impression. These are people whom you can be truly honest with, ask the hard questions and get feedback when needed most. Although this circle is small, the ones who play a significant role in your life should mean more to you than anything. 

What do you look for in a true friend? And why is it so important to take notice of those lucky enough to make your inner circle? The ones closest to you play a huge role in fueling your purpose as an individual. Sound cliché? Sometimes the simplest things happen to be true and in this case, your true friends are an invaluable asset in not only life, but fulfilling your dreams.

Here are 3 ways these individuals change your life for the better:

1| They challenge you. Let’s face it, sometimes the nuances of friendship means you don’t always get along. If a relationship is meant to stand the test of time, sometimes you will get frustrated, angry and perplexed. True friendships are not going to be unicorns and rainbows 24/7. True friends however will always be there for you, regardless of your differences or misunderstandings. They’ll understand you so well; you’ll eventually come around and get to the bottom of your frustration, learn the lesson in the difficulty and continue learning from each other.

2| They tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. The ones who really care about you the most will always have your best interest in mind. Regardless of their feelings or yours they’ll tell you straight up what you need to hear. Sometimes this isn’t well received or you’ll be surprised by what just came out of their mouths, but you can’t help but respect them for pointing the truth out to you.


3| They encourage you to reach for your dreams. When you’re having one of those days, weeks or months they come alongside you and help you realize everything you’ve already accomplished. Sometimes it’s as simple as letting you know you’re not alone and that they understand completely what you mean in your moment of weakness. They’ll then point out from their perspective how your purpose is making a huge impact in the world even if you can’t see the bigger picture right now.

Be sure to thank your true friends for fueling the sometimes messy, but amazing journey of your life.

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