Connect to Source Energy through Conscious Sobriety


Article by Kandi Jo Mensing

Connect to Source Energy through Conscious Sobriety

As we create a New Earth, the concept of Conscious Sobriety must be explored.

Let us describe consciousness as; listening, silencing, stilling, existing, being, flowing, allowing, enjoying, appreciating, engaging, connecting, expanding, enlightening, and trusting. Consciousness is a clear, generally high-vibrational state where we access realms beyond the 3D earthly one that our human bodies exist in. Consciousness is the energy of our Higher Selves, the Source from which we created ourselves.

We connect to Source energy the strongest through Conscious Sobriety.

Our consciousness and our physical bodies are in constant evolvement and absorption, as with all things that exist. We are energy, and energy perpetually changes. Our three-dimensional bodies are altered constantly. The process of human regeneration results in our skeletal systems being replaced every 10 years, and every 4 months our red blood cells are entirely new. Our skin, hair, nails, muscles; all of our human form is in a perpetual state of regeneration, and we can positively aid this process, or not.

As one becomes more spiritual and aligned with their Higher Selves it is common to become more sober in general; finding increased, and often new, sensitivities to various smells, sounds, energies, and substances. In enlightenment, we become more in-tune with subtle energies and consequently are more sensitive to how our own personal subtle energies are affected by our consumption of tangible and intangible substances.

With our increase awareness of our consciousness and Higher Self, we also assign more value to what is consumed, ingested, injected, inhaled, and absorbed into our 3D bodies. We prioritize providing our bodies with only the best, knowing our Higher Selves are calling for a clear vessel. A clear human vessel serves the highest good of all humanity as well as Gaia/Mother Earth, and truly the entire Universe as we magnify high vibrational energies that permeates realms far beyond our human comprehension.

Everything is substance, feeding or deteriorating our human forms and ability to access higher vibrational realms. The beautiful thing in this human life is that we get to choose. Substances that we rub on our bodies affect our conscious sobriety. Everything we expose our energy to affects our Conscious Sobriety.

It is sobering to realize we can affect our consciousness and achieve even higher states of enlightenment by clearing our vessel of toxicity.

Consumption (in majority modern form at least) is not consciousness. Consumption is not sobriety.


The concept of Conscious Sobriety explains why monks meditate for days straight, and why humans practice fasting to clear our vessels. When we have essentially removed the influence of factors outside of our 5-dimensional Higher Selves, we can achieve true Conscious Sobriety.

3D existence is namely not sober. Humans generally consume addictive and toxic substances, even outside of alcohol, cigarettes, and weed. We consume consciousness-altering substances like coffee, sugars, and processed foods in general. We apply highly toxic products to our vessels via lotions, hair products, makeup, and sprays that prevents Conscious Sobriety. Our physical and energetic bodies attach to various substances including the energy we consume via our smartphones and televisions (video games, social media, news, tv programming).

Everything is substance, feeding or deteriorating us. The beautiful thing is we get to choose. Choose your products wisely, and your consumption; physically and energetically.

Humans use various coping mechanisms, many of which we seek specifically because they alter our 3D processing forms. This is not sobriety.

To be raw with the earth is to be entirely sober. Being energetically entirely present, like during meditation is to be sober. Sobriety is raw; uncompromising, unforgiving, pure presence unaltered by unnatural forms within our 3D existence. Conscious Sobriety is a 5D access point.

In 3D form, the most impactful thing we can do to achieve 5D consciousness is to employ enlightening practices to stay connected with our Higher Selves. We can move closer to Conscious Sobriety by removing the influence of substances and energy outside of our Higher Selves; media/news/matrix programming, processed foods/alcohol/coffee, and even the energy of projections and judgement.

It is almost impossible to be entirely sober in this human experience since we are constantly absorbing the world as it exists around us. As we become more enlightened and connected with our Higher Selves we value physical and energetic sobriety.

The more clear our human vessels are, the stronger our sense of trust in ourselves and our intuitive powers.

None of this to make light of those who consider themselves sober by 3D society standards of being drug and/or alcohol free.

Let us build the New Earth with Conscious Sobriety.

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