A Stalking Quest to Find Your Muse

A Stalking Quest To Find Your Muse

A Stalking Quest To Find Your Muse


Article by Denita Austin
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #30

In our darkest times, we can still go out into the world and find something of phenomenal beauty. Regardless of any situation that we encounter in life, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and the sun will always make an appearance. There is beauty everywhere and we must take the time to open our eyes and take it in. We are surrounded by so much to fill our hearts and souls for a life time, but one must have patience to endure. 

I encourage all Holistic Beauties to wander the world and find that burst of inspiration that will run chills down your spine and form a permanent smile on your face. Perhaps a moment of silence to reflect on what intrigues you, what is it that creates a spark within your bones to gently push you to dive into your day. Is it a person, art, life in itself or maybe it’s ourselves? 

My personal quest of finding a muse has been quite intriguing. I tend to switch this creative process every year. It’s more of a hard reset for me. If I begin the year on one muse, whether it’s a person or subject matter, I literally focus on that for one complete year and then the next year will completely different. I’m inspired by constant change. In my world it’s a form of continued growth. My number one suggestion to everyone would be to travel to find your answers. When we travel or we are set out on a quest to find answers, not only do we learn about our surroundings along the way, but we learn about ourselves and how we function in the world. I personally like to think that we inspire each other more than we think. I could clearly travel to another country and be inspired by someone picking grapes to eventually make a fine wine. That person could clearly become the muse of the year to either paint something, write a book, or even pick up a new hobby. We are surrounded by so much beauty and inspiration that we tend to forget.

A prime example could be the Holistic Fashionista Magazine. At first glance of visiting the website, one can experience a rush of inspiration by gazing at the authentic creative layout of colors, designs, and concepts. It is by far a Brand of Inspiration and a burst of vibrancy oozing out of your computer screen. Every single cover is a reflection of Authenticity. This could easily be a muse; whether it’s the creator or the magazine you connect with. 

Finding your muse isn’t as hard as you may think. It doesn’t necessarily have to be another human being. It can honestly be yourself. You could be inspired just by being your creative spirit. You also have the option to go on a quest and make your own rules and travel to find that boost of inspiration. Along your trip you may stumble across snippets of what could be the next chapter in your life. Being side-tracked from our path is common, however we should pay serious attention to our instincts. It is super important to open your heart and mind to everything life has to offer.

Think about your quest in detail and ask yourself the following questions:

1 :: Why do I feel the need to find my Muse?
2 :: What will this do for my life? 
3 :: What am I willing to do to grab this burst of light? 
4 :: Do I currently have a muse? If so what is it or who?
5 :: How soon will I challenge myself to begin my quest?

When your decision is made to begin your quest, I would like to share these helpful tips for you to try on your quest:

Have a liberated lifestyle| Challenge yourself to think outside the box. This will not only boost your confidence but it will allow you to experience more creative energy instead of following the rules all the time. 
Spend Time With Creative People|
 If you are able to surround yourself with people who value creativity as much as you do, this will get the juices flowing
Listen to your Instincts|
 Tell the Micromanager of your emotions to take a back seat. Rules, restrictions, and social norms can put a damper on creativity.  It’s when you’re free within yourself that you’re able to show up in the world. Our emotions always reveal the truth and influences our decisions. 
Keep a Journal|
 Keep a journal of your experiences that were memorable and exciting. You can always reflect back on this for inspiration that may spark new thoughts and ideas.
Travel & Explore|
 This is always a favorite of mine. Move away from the normal routine. Jump out there and explore. Your muse may just be on the other side of your destination. Jump out there!

I wish you the best of luck on your quest to find your muse or to become your own muse. I want to hear about your experience. Don’t be shy, send me a note. 

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