Lindsley Brooks



Lindsley is a feng shui designer and lifestylist who helps people get unstuck by shifting the energy in their spaces and lives. When your space is in balance, your life comes into balance. You'll feel more peaceful and you'll start living the abundant life you deserve.  Lindsley lives in Nashville, TN. Contact Lindsley to schedule a feng shui consultation.

Laura Brown


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Laura Brown is an Intuitive Counselor, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Tarot Reader based just outside of Denver, Colorado. Laura weaves together her 18 years experience in the intuitive arts to provide a unique set of offerings that speak directly to both your complex human experience and the cosmic wildlands of your spirit. Laura leads you out from behind the fog to find clarity and helps you lead from a place of wholeness, healing and sublime joy. Learn more about Laura and book your personal session at

Tiffany Curren


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Tiffany Curren has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 20 years, and breathing techniques since 2008. Her first experience with yoga and spirituality was an unlikely, divine moment at the young age of 5, at an ashram in Connecticut. She was quietly walking when she happened to be stopped by Swami Satchidananda, who lifted her up over his head, smiled, and gave her a new name, Shakti Prema. This experience altered her trajectory and landed her on a path of spirituality based healing modalities. She is a Breathwork facilitator and healer trained under both Erin Telford and David Elliott, and is hoping to teach people how to breathe and meditate, to help them get centered and find peace in their lives.

Arielle Ollivier


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Arielle Ollivier is the Creatrix of Mahina Medicina; a mystery school/sisterhood for Wombyn to feel safe, seen and supported; as they awaken and embody their Divine Feminine Rhythm, Mystery and Sensuality. Arielle is a best selling Author and certified intuitive life coach, utilizing her shamanic training in ceremony, ritual and magick for transformation. She works closely with flowers and plants, alchemizing essences, tinctures and salves. Arielle invites you to follow her on Instagram @mama.mahina or visit her website: to connect into CommUnity.

Ariel Snapp


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Ariel Grace Snapp helps closeted and blocked creatives and soulpreneurs become wildly successful, well paid and birth their soul’s gifts into the world. She’s led creative teams for over a decade and deeply understand the tension between art and service. She believes that what is missing most from our world is soulful connection and playful, creative ways of being. There is always a way for the burnt out creative to design a next level life.

Naomi Love


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Naomi Love is a Wisdom Keeper. She has been in the healing arts for over 25 years and has worked with over sixty thousand clients, and trained over fifty practitioners through her Living School, Wise Womb Medicine Path™. Naomi is a Ceremonialist and Facilitator. She is Master Body Worker, Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Clinical Nutritional Therapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Aromatherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, Womb Whisperer, Evolutionary Alchemist, Yoga Instructor, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Medium and Channel, Medicine Maker and Relationship Coach. Naomi weaves her twenty plus years of education masterfully with her life experiences, and is able to track the unseen realms to support the people she holds space for, to return home, to the truth of themselves, to the remembrance of why you are here. Naomi truly meets you, in loving presence and from there, anything is possible.

Romilly Glenton


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Milly Anne is currently finishing her degree in Naturopathy, a passion she picked up when she was at her lowest point. Western Medicine failed her when she kicked her alcohol addiction to the curb and ended up with a handful of mystery illnesses. After months of trailing doctors and treatments with no result she finally decided to go back to basics.

Romilly's aim is to educate people and guide them towards overall health: mental, physical and spiritual. She is also a Reiki Master, Mindfulness coach and Passionate Herbalist.

Chelsie Skowyra


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Chelsie Skowyra, MA, MFT is reiki master, self care expert, and hosts spiritual retreats around the world. After spending years as a therapist, Chelsie had a spiritual awakening and recognized her gifts were bigger than the role she was in. She is intuitive and intelligent, bringing both her education and experience to the work she does with others. Chelsie works from a foundation of sacred psychology. In a reiki session with her, you will energetically release and restructure the narratives your chakras are holding onto. The results of these sessions are transformational. In addition to being an entrepreneur through her business, Chakra Chelsie, she is a proud doTERRA wellness advocate and teaches individuals how to use essential oils to support their emotional healing. Chelsie’s favorite forms of self care include meditation, curating Spotify playlists, and writing in her journal.