Healthy Eating for Busy Boss Babes On The Go

Healthy Eating for Busy Boss Babes

Healthy Eating for Busy Boss Babes


Article by Stefanie Dawn
Photo Credit: Angel Quintana
Magazine: Issue #26

One of the most important habits i ever developed was thinking about what i was eating, before i ate it. Its attributed greatly to my overall health and energy and helps me keep my lean figure. 

I know it sounds simple but how many of us just grab something on the go without giving any thought to what we are consuming?

Next time your in a rush for next meeting, slow down, take a deep breath and think about what your food choice means for your goals, your figure, your wallet and your over-all health. 

Most of the time, the items in your favorite coffee shop are full of sugar, calories and portioned to ridiculous sizes for the ingredients. Things like bran or fruit muffins are actually higher in calories, sugar and fat than a single donut! Yikes!

And then there is the lunch time dilemma, in which you can swap the morning diabetic coma for takeout that is ridden with salt, preservatives and hidden caloric fat bombs that leave many of us wondering why we don’t feel so great, or can’t reach our health and fitness goals even if we perceive that we are eating is fairly “healthy”.

What’s the solution? Think before you eat, and plan before you go. 

The #1 thing you can do is prepare for your day the night before and pack easy snack foods on the go and have breakfast and coffee ready for when you wake up. Set your coffee timer, grab a stellar, glittering to go mug and make sure you have ingredients for a delicious fruit and green veg filled smoothie or overnight oats and you are well on your way. 

You can always pack quick snacks to eat with your between meetings and on the road - things like banana’s, apples, baggies of nuts and chopped vegetables. You can also purchase these things on the go at gas stations and mini marts!

Stay away from things in packages, things with ingredients you can’t pronounce and items glistening behind glass counters.

Yelp juice bars and organic shops in your area so if you absolutely have to stop somewhere, you know you are getting quality and nourishment to keep that mind sharp. Vote with your dollar in supporting smaller business and better options.

If there is a major coffee chain on one corner, and a small local artisan shop on the next, help out your fellow small business owner and go there.


These small, mindful choices, can and do add up. 

So next time you are quick to pick up something on the go, be conscious of your decisions and ask yourself is it the best option possible for me right how and can i make a more healthful choice? 

Not only will you save time and some money, but you will also feel and keep looking as amazing as you truly are!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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3 Dangers of Not Being Intentional in Your Life & Business

Dangers of Not Being Intentional

Dangers of Not Being Intentional


Article by Darlene Dunn
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

It is so easy to just ‘let life happen’ but when we do that we never go anywhere, we never achieve anything and we are always at the mercy of others. Listed below are three dangers to not living an Intentional Life & Business:

1| You become stagnant - just like a body of water that no longer moves, you will pick up all kinds of ‘junk’. You will no longer be moving toward anything, you will just ‘hang’ out and wither and soon begin to ‘stink’. Your business won’t grow and will most likely go backwards.

2| You will be unfilled - you will know that something is missing, you just won’t know what. You will hang out with other unfilled folk and commiserate that there ‘must be more out there’ yet you won’t go in search of the ‘more’.

3| You will be an easy ‘mark’ for the unscrupulous - when you aren’t intentional you can be swayed to purchase programs or products that you don’t need. These salespeople can zero on folks that are not living an intentional life and sell you oceanfront property in the desert! 

An easy way to avoid these dangers is to just BE INTENTIONAL. Every day wake up, review your vision and your goals and make a decision to walk toward them. Make a plan and go after it. Weigh every decision against your goals and vision- will doing this get you closer to your goal? If not, perhaps it isn’t the right time to do that particular thing. When you are intentional you will also see doors open that you wouldn’t have seen if you were not being intentional. Make this Your Year for Massive growth- BE INTENTIONAL!!!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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Hey Rubbernecker! 4 Ways to Mind Your Own Business


Article by Denita Austin
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

4 Ways to Mind Your Own Business

4 Ways to Mind Your Own Business

Mindfulness implies that you are aware of yourself. Now of course no one is perfect and this is an area that we all can improve on but it’s super important that we pay close attention to what we are doing in the moment.  What we do and say effects everyone around us. Our decisions, emotions, reactions and so forth. 

Have you ever spoken to someone that was able to tell you everything about someone else but couldn’t tell you anything about themselves?  I know you know at least one person who is obsessed with the way people think and do things. The first thing that comes to mind for me is MIND YOUR BUSINESS! What advice would you give this person to help them focus on their actions and their thoughts? The next time that you experience this with a friend or associate, share this advice with them. Lets’ say the person name is Linda. I would say Linda, instead of focusing on that person and what they are doing, think of it this way. You should observe yourself as though you are watching a movie to learn more about your extraordinary traits and attributes. This is a different perspective that you don’t typically do in your daily life however I recommend trying it. As you go on to explain to her gently, when you are mindful of yourself, you begin to see what you are creating. Our thoughts are so powerful that we tend to forget what we can manifest into existence. 

Now by this time, I’m sure Linda is looking up at the sky with her eyes rolled in the back of her head in disgust. She is not interested in anything that you have to say. I encourage you to go on with the conversation. Linda, observe yourself and how you interact with others.  Ask yourself these questions. Was I mindful when I brushed my teeth this morning?  Was I mindful of how I spoke to someone over the phone today? Was I mindful when I looked at myself in the mirror? Was I mindful driving in traffic? Was I mindful when I decided to judge someone I barely knew? If not, are you really living?  Or are you just alive?  

We are so use to our routines that we are not aware of our surroundings or interactions. Usually we see the same thing every day because we simply think, feel and do the same thing. When we are mindful, we will see differently because we are awake and actually living. You will see life in a completely differently light. By feeling and being aware of every moment will spark creativity and will create a mental space that is stress free.

Since I am such a huge fan of building relationships and connections with others, I’ve noticed over time that as we immerse ourselves into the moment, others notice. As we becoming present through mindfulness, we see others inviting us into interaction because people want to be around others who are willing to invest time. I’ve also noticed that the more aware we are of the greatness of others, the more likely we will receive the positive energy in return. This encourages others to strive through the very initiative we nurtured through our presence of mind body and spirit. 

Here are a few healthy suggestions to become more mindful or should I say to Mind Your Business 

1 :: Take a morning or evening walk without a destination. Let go of all thoughts of a schedule or agenda and simply allow yourself to go wherever your mood takes you. Surrender to the flow of life. This will also be your moment of self-love and empowerment.

2 :: Do one thing at a time. I understand the importance of multitasking but I recommend Single-task. It will help you in the long run. When you're pouring water, just pour water. When you're eating, just eat. Take your time with each task. When you are speaking to someone, give them your undivided attention. This is a great technique for reducing stress. 

3 :: Next time your phone rings, resist to the urge to answer. Let it ring a couple of times as you collect your thoughts and prepare to answer. You should also consider turning the phone off during certain periods of the day. We all need to tap into this area of self-improvement and discipline. 

4 :: Before Bed, sit in silence. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing yourself to let go and simply be. This simply means turning the TV off and not using it as company until you fall asleep. This is where the crazy dreams appear in your head. This is the key ingredient for holistic living one step at a time.

Add these healthy suggestions into the daily routine and I assure you that you will see the difference within yourself. As things happen and as we maintain presence infused with stillness, we are more likely to accept them without judgment of ourselves or others. 

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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F*ck Your Resistance with Just 3 Actions



Article by Nikka Karli Salifu
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

Have you ever felt like your Big Vision was in quicksand? As if- no matter what you do- you keep ending up in the same place in your life and business? (And it’s most definitely NOT the place you want to be.)

Sound familiar? You’re in the right place. Because you’re about to get a crash course in how to overcome the “resistance” that’s been pulling the wool over your eyes (and has most likely been derailing the entire course of your life).

Oh. I should probably note that this ain’t your mama’s nice, sweet-as-pie advice. So, if you’re easily offended or someone who is not ready to commit to their brilliance, you should probably stop reading right about now. If, however, you are ready to take balls-to-the-wall action and forever change the way you show up in the world, I invite you to read on and learn a little about the monster you’re up against.

1 :: Resistance is NOT futile. Nope. It’s a sneaky little bastard who will upend your dreams and toss you aside as if you were nothing. It will laugh at your grand plans and kick dust on the withering carcass of your creativity. Resistance is not some weak, doddering punk as we’ve been taught to believe. It will smack you down without a second thought and leave you nothing but a quivering ball of insecurity and self-doubt. It shows up as a call from a friend who just happens to be in dire straits JUST as you are about to begin working on that chapter in your forthcoming {when-in-the-name-of-God-is-this-going-to-be-finished} book. YOUR ACTION: Dig your head out of the sand, Darlin! Yes, resistance is all around you and the faster you accept its existence, the faster you will overcome it. Stay vigilant. When it shows up (and it will) be ready. Begin to recognize resistance for what it is and be ready to say NO to it, however it appears.

2 :: Resistance is debilitating. That quicksand we talked about? Yeah. That’s resistance. It’s not fun and it’s not pretty. You might be feeling like your dreams are too big, that you’re not ready, that everyone except you has got it together… Let’s stop right there and call B.S. Why? Because that’s resistance. Not your truth. YOUR ACTION: Move forward. Take imperfectly perfect action in the direction of your vision. Fail and love it. Succeed and love it. And then do it all over again. Resistance cannot stick to a moving object. So keep it moving, Beautiful.


3 :: Resistance has got NOTHING on you. You are worth so much more than resistance will ever be. You have been placed on this earth with a mission. And that mission kicks resistance’s ass any day of the week. YOUR ACTION: Own your worth. Chase your dreams with the innate and unshakeable knowledge that your mission was not given to just anyone. It was given to you. Only YOU can heal the world in the way you were meant to heal. So go be you. (And if resistance has anything to say about, kick it where it hurts and keep on keepin’ on.)

Now that you’re armed with your resistance-smashing tools, I want you to ask yourself a question. And this might be the most important question of your life to date (big, bold statement, I know… but stick with me).

OK…  Are you ready?  Here goes:

How much longer are you willing to allow resistance to dictate the direction of your life. Seriously… How. Much. Longer???

Because now that you’re aware of it, it is 100% up to YOU to decide to whether or not to do something about it. It has become a choice. Your choice.

To stay hidden in the shadows of your resistance and allow it to keep you stuck in the throes of mediocrity or- and here’s the choice I’d go with if I were you- to smash through your resistance. To obliterate it and crush it into complete and utter oblivion.

So, what will you choose? Resistance and fear? Or unapologetically living out your amazing God-given mission? Well. You know what they say. The choice? She is yours, Lovers.

Here’s to choosing our dreams.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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4 Simple Ways to Build a Strong Intuitive Muscle


Article by Jessica Sandhu
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

Build a Strong Intuitive Muscle

Build a Strong Intuitive Muscle

I was recently in New York City for a weekend workshop of yoga and writing with a group of intuitive and open-hearted individuals—all of them living and loving in a way that was most comfortable and easy to get along and create with.

At one point, I looked around and realized that all of us had done our work and followed our intuition to make it there for exploration. And it reminded me of when I wasn’t in that intuitive flow, not so long ago. 

Personally, it took me a long time to connect to my intuitive side, having spent a lot of time in relationships (romantic and otherwise) where I compromised myself to keep others feeling “safe.” 

In the holistic, entrepreneurial world, intuition is a muscle we need to learn how to flex more often than we are initially comfortable with. Our work is heart- and art-related, so not being at ease in our hearts can be devastating for a business—and worse, for a life. 

Here are four simple things to apply to your life to build a strong intuitive muscle:

Feel. First, feel what is happening to you internally. Sensations, good or bad, will manifest physically. If you are aligned, listening, and following through on what your intuition is telling you, chances are you are feeling good and grounded. If you are going against it, then you probably have a sick feeling with symptoms of stuntedness and no growth. This is the very base of getting in touch with your intuition, so really pay attention to it. 


Be honest. Once you tap into your feelings, be honest about what you are feeling. In some cases, intuition will tell you to go in a direction that is the opposite of what you had planned. That will cause fear about change in your life, and the possible hurt it might cause others once you make that change. There will only be suffering if you are not honest with yourself, and you cannot move forward until you have established this honesty. 

Slow down & reflect. The only way to really dive deep and to listen to your intuition is to slow down. Making time for self-reflection and paying attention to the needs of yourself and your life will give you the necessary clarity to make the choices that are suited for you. Journaling, meditation, yoga, and long walks are super-selflove ingredients for tapping into the voice within. Connect to the internal dialogue that always wants to listen and talk. 

Be courageous. The minute you let go of judgment about whether or how this will affect you, go to that courageous place and find peace in it. It takes great will and courage to really follow your heart, as it usually is not the place of normalcy. When you follow your gut, you are offering yourself the highest kind of love there is. Trust that what arises within is there for your best and highest interest. Trust, and know that you are doing your well-being the number one favor.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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The Holistic Path to Your Next Big Idea


Article by Kimberly Manning
Photo Credit: Mariana Garcia
Magazine: Issue #25

Holistic Path to Your Next Big Idea

Holistic Path to Your Next Big Idea

In our go-go world, it seems that successful folks simply pop or drop into their brilliant idea or business. It may look like they’ve achieved instant success, but the truth is, there’s foundational work to be done on the way to your next big thing. Oh, and PS: it’s an inside job.

It’s easy to get lost in the warp speed world of business, with its heavy dose of masculine and addiction to high energy. What can get lost is the (w)holistic path to your next big thing. In order to move forward, you’ve got to go within. Here’s the Integrative Living Design perspective.

Place your idea in the Cosmic Womb. Whatever you are ruminating in your heart or head, give it over to the Great Mother of All Things. Divine inspiration and guidance are two of the gifts you’ll receive when you let the cosmic womb of your higher consciousness work. 

I’ve had clients who write their idea on a piece of paper, literally plant that in a potted plant or garden, and then turn it over to the cosmos. Just like a seed germinating in the earth, your ideas need time to be nurtured, to gather energy, to stretch. All before they emerge above the surface. 

Shhhh. While things are gestating, preserve the energy of your idea by keeping it to yourself. Often we get excited and we want to share our idea with a friend or colleague, however, this dissipates the energy. Not to mention that a well-meaning but critical comment could send you and your confidence off the tracks. 

Until you’re ready for primetime, don’t share. There will be ample time to gather folks round your campfire to discuss, tweak, etc., but in the fragile time of your idea’s birthing, keep it quiet.

Walk through liminal space. Liminal comes from the Latin word for “a threshold.” Liminal space is that delicate place between where things have been percolating quietly and the open air. Many people struggle with this in-between time. It’s messy and a little uncomfortable as you learn new ways of being and doing. Instead of fighting, embrace this sacred space. Understand that you’re entering new terrain, that you can’t and don’t know everything yet, and that in the uncertainty lies potential. Walk through that space, confidently and with trust in your abilities. So much lies across that threshold.

The holistic path to your next step begins with a focus inward. By taking the time to go inward, you allow your idea to crystallize and energize. It will emerge into the world|marketplace in right timing and with great strength. 

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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3 Common Mistakes Holistic Business Women Make with “Clean” Eating


Clean Eating Mistakes

Clean Eating Mistakes

Article by Angela Anderson
Photo Credit: Mariana Garcia
Magazine: Issue #25

Eating clean is not necessarily salads and smoothies. As a fitness instructor and health & fitness coach working with holistic women to tone up their bodies, the answer is not all about your fitness routine. If you want to tone up your body, you must look at these three common mistakes about clean eating that you could be making. 

Common Mistake #1: Protein Shakes

There are all kinds of protein shakes on the market, unfortunately many of them full of crapistic ingredients, including sugar. Unless you like the flavor of grass or air, you most likely have to add fruit to your shakes in order to enjoy them. The artificial junk that most protein shakes have, plus the added fruit you need in order to actually drink them does not do you any favors when you want to really tone up your body.

Tip:  Don’t just buy any old protein powder. Do your research. Eating enough protein does help your muscles, but adding fats, super-foods, and fiber really ups the steaks! 

Common Mistake #2: Skinny This and Single Serving That

I know you are busy AND because you are a health conscious, holistic woman. Between work, family, workouts, and other obligations you probably eat on the go at times. Remember, those low-calorie snacks you are grabbing are full of sugar. Yes – even the savory snacks. 

Tip:  Eat as much lean protein, natural fats, and non-starchy vegetables as you possible can. This will increase satiety and you will not be as hungry all the time, plus it will support you to beat sugar addiction and get toned up!

Common Mistake #3: Constant Carbohydrate Loading

If you eat carbohydrates constantly throughout your day, then all you are doing is spiking your insulin, turning the unused sugars into fat, and then depositing the fat onto your hips, stomach, and thighs. A typical carbohydrate filled “clean” eating day looks like: oatmeal for breakfast, some sort of wrap for lunch, granola bar for snack, protein shake with fruit post workout, and lean meat, veggies, and grains for dinner.  

Tip: Follow the ritual of eating your of carbohydrates after a tough workout. Your muscles LOVE sugar immediately after a workout and will eat it right up to help them grow and repair. 

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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