5 New Beginnings for Rebooting and Feeling More Successful in Your Business


Article by Darlene Dunn  


We are in full force in 2014 and it's time for new beginnings; however, you may be feeling like you finished 2013 off kilter.  Perhaps, like our computers, you need to re-boot.  Take some time to reflect on the following and make a new plan:

Success Strategy #1: Friends/Associates

  • Have they been holding you back or cheering you on?
  • Perhaps it is time to ‘cut’ a few people from your circle if they are keeping you from pursuing/achieving your dream

Success Strategy #2: Knowledge

  • Do you an area of deficient knowledge?
  • What knowledge, if attained, will help you move your business to the next level?
  • Make a plan to attain this knowledge in 2014- You need to keep an insatiable thirst for knowledge alive this year.

Success Strategy #3: Your Words

  • Are you speaking success into your life?
  • Have you ‘listened to yourself’ lately?  
  • Make it a priority to listen to yourself.  Are your words holding you back from achieving your dream?

Success Strategy #4: Your Attitude

  • Do you need the proverbial- ‘check up from the neck up’?
  • Sometimes just tweaking our attitude can make a huge difference in our business

Success Strategy #5: Decisions

  • Were you decisive in 2013? Realize that every time you do not make a decision, you actually make a decision
  • Be intentional with your decisions but don’t become paralyzed by over-thinking each decision
  • Let you vision/mission statement guide your decisions- each decision should move you one step closer to achieving your dream.

Put these 5 success strategies into action and see what happens next. Each step you'll gain a little more clarity about what it is you are hoping to achieve, you'll have a sunnier disposition, and most of all you will begin to attract more abundance into your life and business. Let’s go achieve our dreams, you smart entrepreneur!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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How to Make Your Brand Stand Out in a Crowded Market


Be The #1 Brand In A Crowded Market

Be The #1 Brand In A Crowded Market

Article by Gail Shapiro
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #37

It’s a very popular topic and for some of you a very big worry. You think you have a great idea for a business but then you look around to discover “so many others are selling or teaching the very same thing”. So how will you survive, let alone be the huge success you dream of becoming? If you look around carefully and closely at what you are perceiving to be your competition I promise:

“You will not find anyone doing exactly what you do – exactly how you do it!”

And that’s exactly how it should be.

Think about this: when you decide to buy a book on any given topic whether you are trotting off to the local book store or shopping online, as soon as you start searching you discover there are oodles of books to choose from.
:: Are they all written by the same author?
:: Do they all have the same title? Typeface? Pictures? # of pages?
:: Are they all written in the same style?
:: Are they all bound the same?
:: Do they all cover exactly the same details from the same perspective or
:: Out of the entire selection is there one book that stands out and appeals to you above all others?

Let’s say you need a new pair of black heels so you head out to the mall.
:: Do all the stores carry the same styles?
:: Are all the black pumps the same price point?
:: Does one store more have a more comfortable shopping vibe?
:: Is the customer service the same in all the stores?
:: Is one store more stylish than the others?
:: Is one store just calling your name?
:: Do you find that one special pair that you just can’t live without?

I could go on pointing out the ways all these businesses are different but I think you are starting to see that even though the fundamental topic of the competition may be the same, that the “packaging and presentation” of the message or product is different every time.

As a customer or client yourself, I’m certain you have shopped in stores you have loved and can’t wait to go back to and those you would never set foot in again. You have likely worked with coaches or mentors you could relate to and followed to the letter and at the same time you have refused to work with others because they just didn’t get you or you could relate on some level.

Well it’s the same for you. You are not meant to sell or work with everyone looking for help on your topic. You must create your own Brand Magic that will attract the followers you are looking to work with. (lets get real here – you can’t and don’t want to work with everyone – it’s your business and your rules – be selective!)

You get to choose:
WHAT you want to sell
WHO you want to sell it to
HOW you want to deliver it
YOUR PERSPECTIVE or angle on the topic
PRICING for your products or programs

That’s your Brand Magic! Your Brand Magic will make you the #1 Brand to the fans and stalkers you want as clients!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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4 Success Strategies to Help You Stay Focused


Article by Marlyne Pierce
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #36

Stay Focused And Win In Business And Life

Stay Focused And Win In Business And Life

Success is never a straight line, assuming you've lived pass the age of 13 - you know this to be a fact! However, one big predictor of success and happiness is your ability to be persistent and remain in the game, even after upset and disappointment. Here are my favorite tips for staying the in game, and winning, time and time again. 

Winning Tip 1 :: Refocus on the Prize

When I was a sprinter in high school, my coach always told the team, “no matter where you are in the race or how many people are ahead of you, never look back. Even if you are in front - never look back.” 

Looking back slows us down. 
Looking back takes us out of the game and into comparison. 

Looking back takes our eyes off the prize and could literally mean we lose out on our win.
Even if you do slip up and take a glance, remember! Winning sprinters NEVER look back. Quickly refocus on the prize. Keep your eyes in your lane and on your goal. It’s the best path forward.

Winning Tip 2 :: Be Selective

When I was growing up, I use to be upset when I found out my friends didn’t tell me ALL that was happening with them. Then as I matured, I realized that sometimes even with the best intentions, if your friends do not have the same vision or foresight as you do, they can stunt your ideas before you even have a chance to fully evaluate them. The fact is you have to be selective. If you know someone will kill your dream by being negative, asking too many uncomfortable questions, or giving you unsolicited advice - don’t share your infantile ideas with them. Wait until you have planted your seed and it has roots, then you can share it with a wide audience. Especially in the early stages of your idea, be selective and share only with other like-minded winners, mentors who have taken a similar path and individuals who you know can understand where you are going and give you guidance that will help you to flourish.

Winning Tip 3 :: Desire is Destiny Calling

No matter what your situation might look like, remember that if you have a deep desire in your heart, you can achieve it. We are built that way, providing the situation is healthy and good for you, your desire, your courage, and your confidence to go after it, can be just the fuel you need to achieve it. If you are pursuing a goal that is not your true and deep heart’s desire, you may find that you become frustrated very quickly. You may find everything to be a struggle and success will be difficult and hard won. Depending on how you were raised, you may have a belief that working harder to achieve a goal, even if you heart is not in it, is the only path to success. But, unless that goal serves a much higher purpose for your life, you will only be wasting your effort and you will soon be burnt out. So when you have a setback, don’t be so quick to beat yourself up. Sometimes you might just need a moment to reevaluate and assess if your next best step is aligned with your heart’s desire or if it will lead to the ultimate outcome you want to create. Your heart’s desire is truly the compass you need to achieve your destiny.

Winning Tip 4 :: Stay in Prayer

When others try to downgrade you. Prayer and connection with the divine will upgrade you. Stay in prayer and meditation, even a few minutes per day can make a world of difference in lighting your path. Your spirit needs that connection to stay energized. It is really the key to being able to refocus, to have the discernment about who to share your ideas with, and to know without a doubt that your deep desire is meant to propel you towards your ultimate destiny.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Why You Suck at Business and How to Course Correct


Article by Pamela Wills
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #36

Why You Suck at Business

Why You Suck at Business

Hint: You have to actually TRY

Lookout, I feel a rant coming on...

Oh man, I talk with far too many Artists who think that creating art is their only responsibility! I mean, can you imagine?? What about the responsibility of bringing the art to the people?? That is a very big, very serious responsibility. Not to be taken lightly. Amiright?? The question always comes down to HOW?? I mean, I'm sure you've noticed by now that it's not like, if you make it, they will come. This ain't no field of dreams, peeps, this is the real life! 

Before we start working together, clients often drop little bombshells about how they've had a book published, they're represented at a gallery, they've written songs for major recording Artists, all like it's no big deal. But it's huge! Amazing! Enviable! And thoroughly well-deserved as they are all mega talented Artists.

So then, How are your sales going? I usually ask. Any marketing going on? Any PR or social media? Do you talk about those big wins at parties, ever??

Almost every time, I hear this: No, not really. I don't like talking about it. That's too scary! I'm sure you can guess how many times I say this: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, well then... Listen, I get that many of us are kind of left high and dry on the learning curve when it comes to technology and social media and all that.

But there is no excuse for hiding behind your art. There is no excuse for refusing to share your gifts with the world. There is no excuse for letting your fear of judgement get the best of you and keep you from talking about your work.

Am I saying you have to bore people with endless diatribes about your creative process? NO, please no! Am I suggesting that you explain at length the many ways that you've been screwed over by this or that agent or gallery? Are you kidding me, have we MET? No. I AM saying that if you want to gain recognition and CASH for your work, you MUST talk about it, put it out there, expose yourself to criticism and praise, accept both, realize the value of your creativity, charge what your work is worth, talk about it talk about it talk about it talk about it (to the rhythm of Funkytown if you please).

Are you with me??

Good. Rant over.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Setting Goals... Because Quitting is for Losers

Setting Goals... Because Quitting is for Losers

Setting Goals... Because Quitting is for Losers


Article by Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Victor of Valencia
Magazine: Issue #35

One hard thing about being the CEO of the sole proprietorship All Mine LLC is knowing when to quit. We’re not talking about when to shut off the light and close the door for the day (though that can be a problem too, just not today’s lol) nor selling it off lock, stock and barrel but letting go of what and whom isn’t working any longer. 

Clients that drain you, certain processes and skills from earlier stages of your business, or a product line that you don’t enjoy promoting as much as previously.

Phone rings. Email notification goes off. You see it’s Ol’ So and So asking you for X-y-z and suddenly you feel the heartburn. Step back a moment and observe the frustration, weariness, exhaustion, even anger, and ask yourself why this is. Could it be that Ol’ So and So and X-y-z may no longer be serving you as it once did? Maybe so.

You are one good editor. Do you like it? Nope. Haven’t really in years and other types of writing services have been added to your toolbox of tricks, and they’re fun. But old skills can still pay the bills, and even though you swore the last couple of times, “Never more,” there you are putting on the pointe shoes and doing stretches for Le Danse de Drudgery. Or perhaps there’s that one challenging customer you can always count on, along with their entourage of proverbial clowns and monkeys. Customer loyalty is real nice, money too, but why do YOU have to pay so dearly, heart and soul, for a few drachma?  

You don’t, and it’s quite ok to let them go. Unlike what society tells us, ‘giving up’ is not a form of failure, but rather part of making thoughtful decisions that help us serve our higher self. It’s simple physics. From the mediocre to toxic, as All Mine LLC grows, it will OUTgrow. None of us know this going in and these things aren’t date stamped like a carton of milk. Sure, there are contractual agreements, but will you want to renew? It’s your job to respond to the natural evolution and know when it’s time to ‘move along.’ Listen. Observe your feelings. Get ready to say no to a few old things along the way. 

1 :: Give yourself an end date. Only you need to know this, but pick an actual time and/or date. It’s symbolic, and when uttered and/or written, a term you take seriously. “As of [June 1, next Tuesday, Purim], I hereby dissolve I Can Edit Inc’s business writing entity.”

2 :: Look yourself right in the eyes. “Self,” spoken slowly and clearly, “as much as I have been known as crackerjack editor, it’s a skill that’s run its course. It’s been a great run and I’ve learned a lot, but I’d like to do more [proof-reading, blogging, article writing] so, herewith, I am submitting my letter of resignation to I Can Edit Inc.” 

3 :: When the phone rings and it’s that especially [tough, annoying, exasperating, toxic, etc.] client, clear your throat and say with a smile, “Hi. Nice to hear from you but I’m no longer [editing manuals, books, catalogues etc.] BUT I’d be happy to put you in touch with someone who does.” Maybe practice in the mirror or camera video so as to gain confidence before the phone actually rings or email sounds.

Say NO to what makes you feel like you’re in the past (and not in the cuddly nostalgic way lol). Say YES to new possibilities that just might take you where your light shines brighter. Yes, it’s a business and a means to make the bread, but having your own business is also an expression of Self. Finding the balance between Keep At It and Quitting Is for Losers at All Mine LLC is ongoing.

— As long as the roots are not severed, all is well.  And all will be well in the garden.
Chauncey Gardener, Being There
The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Adaptation for the Holistic Entrepreneur


Adaptation For The Holistic Entrepreneur

Adaptation For The Holistic Entrepreneur

Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Sajas Minrah
Magazine: Issue #34

Knowing where your money comes from is one of the most important events as a holistic entrepreneur. It’s easy to start a holistic business but most difficult to maintain a profitable holistic business. Adaptation is one of the most powerful tools in nature and for the entrepreneur. Clients and customers are forever changing/adapting to new trends, new education, and new holistic ideas. You must change/adapt right along with them in order to succeed in business and keep that flow of money coming in. 

As business owners we educate ourselves in our own niche market, by whatever means we have.

We have brainstormed and know that the niche market we created is the one the business that will out do all other businesses, at least at its conception. But is that enough, how long will this niche last? Who will catch on to this niche and copy every article of your efforts leaving you on the trail of little profit. People love to follow you and your money, “if you can do it” so can they. How many clients will become bored with this new niche when everyone else catches up to your business. It is always best to adapt to creating a niche that evolves, grows and changes quickly. If you are offering a single service that is your niche, is that good enough? Imagine your niche on steroids. A niche that adapts and evolves allows you to stay a head of the pack and continue to serve your clients offering them a living marketable service.

With holistic consulting or coaching we sometimes limit ourselves to whatever modality we have trained at to an expert level. This holds true for so many practitioners in the holistic field. Nutritionists, Energy Workers and coaches teach/sell one service and keep on riding this out until the business becomes lifeless. “A lifeless business is not profitable”. If you are nutritionist and you offer coaching, is that all you do? Be conscious at every level and ask yourself (daily), what else can I offer, is there an up sell to what I do? What else do my clients need? This holds true for every practitioner who is awesome at what they do, but being great at one thing limits you and does not set you apart from any other practitioners. If you plan on being profitable in the holistic realm, you need to not just practice, but manifest adaptation at all times.

I have found out through trial and error, (mostly error) that I cannot just be an expert in nutrition or just a Reiki Master, I need to be flexible and adaptable in order to better serve clients and keep the flow of money coming to me.
Some key points to breathing life into your business:
1| Treat your business as it is alive, nurture it every day ask it what it needs and provide it
2| Research the trends that bring people to your particular service and see if there is another niche available that brings new clients that not yet ready for that service.
3| Don’t wait things out during lean times, question why these times are lean and ask your business what’s missing (yes I do converse with my business)
4| Adapt and provide what’s missing

A holistic business is not a cookie cutter business, you need to apply adaptation just like nature does with plants and animals. I you want to survive time, you must always change and grow.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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Time is Money: How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder


Article by Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Sajas Minrah
Magazine: Issue #34

Work smarter not harder. All business mavens are taught this. As single proprietors… sigh… the pressure’s always on to put pedal to the metal and PERFORM. It’s impossible to do everything and yet they think they must, from parking valet to Communications Director to CEO.  

Their business is theirs and theirs only.
Only they can possibly care that much about it, its success.
So much is at stake if it does not flourish or, hopefully not, fails.

The single proprietor is juggling so much, they often can’t see this “smarter” if it were to come up and bite them. Sound like you? Relax and slow down that clown car! There is only one of you and only so many hours in the day. Plan for it. Seek methods to attain the best possible work flow. Do the best you can. Learn from what does and doesn’t work. Make choices about how you spend your time. Delegate tasks when you can. Plan for that too. And don’t forget… time IS money and and it’s finite too. This is what needs to “work smarter” actually, acceptance of this as credo.

Start by keeping closer track of your time.

Tax preparation for example… It’s something you can do, don’t really like to but you feel, as many, that if one can, they should. It’s like tax preparation machismo (lol). Are all the receipts and invoices in one place and properly filed? Got all data, the correct forms? Procrastinate for days on end? Of course! Sit down and procrastinate some more 'til… it’s… finally… done. Proper supporting documents and forms attached? Is it signed? You do this quarterly, annually… it’s a rabbit hole of anxiety for many. The IRS says the average small business taxpayer spends approximately 24 hours on tax preparation. You? Isn’t your time worth implementing a few things to shave off some time from a task you don’t really enjoy?

1| Use a credit card for only business expenses.
2| Get a business software that pulls all your info into one place throughout the year so reports can be pulled easily.  Income. Expenses. Quarterly taxes paid. Link it and that business expense credit card.
3| Consider getting a qualified tax preparer so all you do is hand off to them the information from #2 and look over the final return before signing off.

These steps could save you several hours.

Streamline. Organize. Break projects down into the sum of the parts. Delegate. Same goes for designing the webpage, editing an article, painting your office… Delegating tasks - large and small, portions of them or as a whole - buys time that can be thrown into new, ‘growth’ projects that earn.

A Time-is-Money Mindfulness Exercise to perform.

1| Give yourself a hypothetical hourly wage as if you were just another employee at You Yourself and You LLC. For discussion purposes here, let’s say it’s $10/hr.
2| Begin tracking your tasks. How much time is spent on each? Track them in 15 minute blocks.
3| At the end of the day or week, add up the similar tasks and calculate your “wage” for each of them. 2 hours a week for, say, invoicing at $10/hr is $20/week, and over a year about $1000. 

So maybe during crunch time part-time help can be part of Team You Yourself and You; it frees you up to work on a presentation, for example. Where is your time most valuable? At the $10/hr invoicing assignment or pitching a new client?

In time, this ‘bought time’ can be used to help you re-boot your creative mind, provide it a clean canvas. Time - such a commodity and yet it’s not traded on the NASDAQ. Lunch out of the office. A design class. Maybe an hour consult with an expert in your field. Put it on the calendar so it becomes an event. Events aren’t found on the treadmill of work, Work, WORK. Numbers there in black and white, see how a “time penny” saved could truly add up to money earned?

So much smarter; work THAT.

“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how the coin will be spent.”
-Carl Sandberg

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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News Release: International Women's Day Special Promo

news release           
for immediate release
March 5, 2016


Los Angeles, CA – March 7, 2016 – Holistic Fashionista, a business academy and magazine for women looking to create a purposeful and profitable career that changes the world, is celebrating female entrepreneurship for International Women’s Day on March 8. The award-winning company is inviting women business owners to join the Holistic Fashion Club. In conjunction with the Holistic Fashionista Agency, the Club is a chance for women small business owners to benefit from the magazine’s high-performance advertising campaigns and strategic business consulting for boutique brands. The best feature of being a Holistic Fashionista Club member is the opportunity to being awareness to a cause with style. 

For women who launched a business with the intention of making a difference in the world via their product or service, Holistic Fashionista offers multi-dimensional opportunities to network and attract awareness to a business actively seeking growth and new revenue streams. Holistic Fashionista brings increased visibility through their interactive magazine, collective advertising campaigns, newsletters promotions, seminar series, business retreats and much more!

“Marketing a cause or a brand whose mission is to impact the planet is done differently. It's done with grace and style,” explains CEO and Founder Angel Quintana. “If you're looking to find a platform that will drive targeted traffic, publicity, and awareness to your cause, and you want to surround yourself with a support network who are up to good things, The Club just might be a perfect match.”

The Holistic Fashionista Club is a conduit to consumers seeking exactly what your product or service is offering. Club members have exclusive access to 50+ wealth building training videos, The $10K Equation Workshop, daily inspiration, 100's of Angel's resources, and marketing round table archives. Club perks include: 

Feature your expertise, products and services inside our beautiful monthly interactive magazine, which is promoted to over 100,000+ subscribers, fans and followers.

Powered by the HF Agency, Club Members will be included in a collective advertising campaign to bring awareness to their cause and their Club Member profile on HolisticFashionista.com.

Origami Award winners, giveaway hosts, special promotions, and popular Club Member content is promoted in our weekly newsletter to 30,000+ email subscribers.

Join Angel and her special guests in a monthly virtual round table where you'll learn new marketing and advertising strategies to help maximize your Club Membership.

From live events to virtual networking, we pride ourselves in attracting the most authentic and amazing tribe of change makers around the globe who love to have fun!

Host your own podcast or HFTV web show as a Club Member to broadcast your cause to the world. Whether you want to interview experts, host demonstrations, or teach on your topic, you have creative control.

Inside The Club support network, you'll team up with a business bestie who will help you stay on track to reaching your goals and growing your organization. Come celebrate International Women’s Day with Holistic Fashionista. Meet your sisterhood of solopreneuers. Join the Club today at: http://www.holisticfashionista.com/the-club

About Holistic Fashionista (www.holisticfashionista.com)
Founded by Angel Quintana in 2010, Holistic Fashionista is the home of the business trendsetter. We are a business academy and magazine for women looking to create a purposeful and profitable career that changes the world.

Our philosophy is to provide the highest quality business training and philanthropy to build holistic leaders of tomorrow who offer products and services that provide holistic solutions.

Through our Philanthropic Brand Certification Program offered in The Academy, our clients gain powerful tools to discovering their life’s work by discovering their Signature System® and becoming a Business Trendsetter. Upon graduation, our clients receive The Philanthropic Brand Certification of completion and seal displaying their promise to provide holistic solutions in your products and services.

Our interactive magazine is monthly publication displaying our Club Member’s expertise, products and services, and a place to showcase our passion to share our currently insights and offerings on topics varying from holistic living to internet marketing.

With mainstream products and mass-marketing crowding our grocery stores, flooding our news feeds, and interrupting our lives with advertisements that promote products that nearly provide quick-fixes, Holistic Fashionista’s mission is to provide a designer platform to showcase holistic brands that are changing the world.

Contact: Angel Quintana
Email: support@holisticfashionista.com
Phone: 800-765-2023

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Holistic Fashionista Community

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